king of the Mitzeraim, and proclaim to him, and to all the Mitzeraim; speakand say, ‘ Thus says the MIGHTY LORD! I
am opposed to you, Pharoh, king of the Mitzeraim, you great reptile of the land between the rivers! who says to Me ‘ It is my river,·~—I made it for myself! ’ I, however, will put hooks into your jaws, and make the fish of your rivers stick to your scales, and pull you up out of your rivers on to the face of the fields where you will ,fall,—-·neither collected nor picked up, but I will give you as food to the beasts of the earth, and the birds of the skies! Then all the population of the Mitzers will know that I am the Evmz-L1v11~:c;, because they were a reed-like crutch to the House of Israel I When they leaned upon your handle you split and gashed all their shoulder;-—and when they leaned upon you, you broke, and shook all their waist l thus the MIGHTY
I will bring a sword against you, and cut off from you men and cattle, and the land of the Mitzeraim shall become a desolation and ash-heap; and they shall learn that 1 am the EvER·L1v1NG,—-—because they said, ‘ The river is mine! and I made itl ’ Therefore I oppose you and your river! and will make the land of the Mitzeraim a heap of ashes, a waste of ashes from the Tower of Sunah, to· the borders of Kush.1 The foot of man shall not pass over it, nor shall it be inhabited for forty years! s For I will make the land of the Mitzeraim a waste in the
From the Tower
Kusu F. F. midst cf desolate countries,-—and her cities, in the midst of cities of ashes. They shall be deserted for forty years, and I will scatter the Mitzeraim among the Nations, and sow them among the countries. the Micrirr Loma declares,
‘ at the end of forty years, I will collect the Mitzeraim from the Peoples, where I have driven them, and restore the captive Mitzerites, and return them to the district of Phathros} to the land of their birth, and it shall become a low kingdom. It shall be lower than any kingdom, and never again raise itself above the nations, for I will prevent it from trading in nations, and it shall no more be trusted by the House of Israel,·——a reminder of former suffer- ings to their face. Then they will learn that I am the MIGHTY LoRD.' 16
£zl1ultl;aDuzg;ar’r QB ug fm: hzstruging Egrr. It happened again in the twenty-
seventh year, on the first of the first month, the command of the Ev1;1z· —·~ LIVING came to me to say : ‘Son of Adam! Nebukhadnezzar,
king of Babel, has done a. big work with his army at 'I`zur:—·-·every head has been made bare, and every shoulder chafed, but neither he nor his army have had any pay from Tzur, for the work they have done against thus says the I will give the land of the Mitzeraim to Nebukhad- nezzar, king of Babel, and he shall carry off her wealth, plunder her plunder, and loot her loot, and it shall. be the pay of his army. For the work he has done at her I give to him the land of the Mitzeraim, for said the MIGHTY At the same time I will :8 20 21 produce a shoot from the House of Israel; and give you an open mouth amongst them,··—~when they will learn that I am the Evan-L1v1NG.’ wuz in mann £sliuu¤. The command ofthe Even-Lrvmo 30 came again to me to say: ‘ Son of Adam l Proclaim and say: 2 P I No*re.·-—Ch spreading dexlainlaoenbeinth to expan, p, y p, g e meaning o the word in He rew and Arabic. --1*. F. 576