Ezekiel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 577

The Books of the Prophets

the desolate countries, and their cities the country to the hands ot the cruel, will also desolate the Delta, and set hre to Zaon, and execute justice on will fall by the sword, and they shall pride of her power! Gloom will cover her! when her daughters go into amongst the cities shall become heaps of ashes! When they will learn that I, the EvER—L1v1N<;, have put a. fever in Mitzer which will shatter all her strength. Then messengers shall proceed from My presence to the deserts to cause terror to easy Kush, and anguish will reach them like that of Mitzer,—-·for look! it has arrived ! The MIGHTY LORD continued thus,

Mitzer by the hand of N ebukhadnez- zar, king of Babel. He, and his People with him,—-·—the terror of Nations, advance to destroy the country; and draw their swords against Mitzer, and till the land with slain. I also will and desolate the land, and its

industry, by the hand of foreigners, I, the Evan-L1v1NG, have said it ! ’ I

the land of the Mitzeraim,-—~but I will put fear in the country of Mitzer. I Noa,-——and pour My indignation on Sin, the Fortress of Mitzer,and cut fire to the Mitzeraim, Sin will be in torment, and Noph in daily misery! The warriors of Aven and Pi—beseth go to captivity. What a dark day for Taphenes when I break the supports of the Mitzeraim, and destroy the 31-6 EZEKIEL.


I`hus says the Mxeurv Loan 3 Howl, Alas for the day l For the day comes,——the day of the Evan-Livxuo comes;-·—a gloomy day,—-·-the day of

4 the Nations comes! And a sword has gone to Mitzcr,—~—a.nd anguish has gone to Kush, at the fall of the wounded of Mitzer, for her wealth is seized, and her foundations are upturned!

5 Kush, and Phut, and Lud, and all the Arab and Kub, and the men of the countries allied with them shall fall by the sword ! they shall IO II I2 16 18 fall heavily with Mitzer, and her proud strength shall rush down. They shall fall with her by the sword from said the EVER- and be desolate amongst ‘ I will take away the wealth of make their rivers ash-heaps and sell will make the idols waste away,—and destroy the delusions from Noph, and a prince shall never again come from off the wealth of Noa. When I set slavery! and I execute justice on the Mitzeraim; then they will learn that I am the Evan-r.1vn~zo.’ Eb: Quant nf Mggpfs §¤i¤¢r. It was in the eleventh year, on the

first of the seventh month, the com- mand of the Ev1¤.:R~L1v1NG came to me to say 2-- ’Son of Adam! I have shattered

the arm of Pharoh, king of the Mit- zeraim! and it has not been bound with remedial appliances, or wrapped in bandages, to fix and strengthen it thus said 1 am opposed to Pharoh, king of the Mitzeraim, and have broken the arms of his power,·—-they are broken,-—·and have caused the sword to fall from his hand! And I will scatter the Mitzeraim amongst the nations, and sow them in the countries, but will strengthen the arms of the king of Babel, and put My sword into his hand ;· but break the arms of Pharoh, who will groan the groans of the wounded before him! For I have strengthened the arms of the king of Babel, and enfeebled the arms of Pharoh,—·and they shall learn that itis I, the EVER- LIVING, Who put the sword into the hand of the king of Babel, and extend it against the Mitzeraim; and Who scatter the Mitzerites amongst the nations, and sow them amongst the countries,——where they will learn that I am the Evan-1,ivme.’ 20 2 I 22 26

3 Qucztimz when uf §l;ar¤b about a tllrlmr nf Zzhaiwn. It was in the eleventh year, on the 31 third of the first month, that the command of the EVER-LIVING came to me to say :——— ‘Son of Adam! Ask Pharoh, king

of the Mitzeraim, and all his crowd, Who are you like in your grandeur? You saw Ashur was a cedar in Lebanon,———with beautiful branches, and silent shade, and lofty heights;- with his foliage like dark clouds! He grew by the brooks ;—-the deep rose for him,—-her streams ran round his roots, and sent their rills to all the trees of the field. So his stature was higher than all the trees in the fields, and his branches increased, and his boughs multiplied from the plentiful water sent to him. All the birds of the skies nestled in his 577

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0577

The History of the People of Israel