Ezekiel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 582

The Books of the Prophets

EZ EKIEL. 16 1 8 zo 2 1 22


26 bring them out from the Peoples, and collect them from the countries, and bring them to their own ground, and shepherd. them on the hills of Israel, by the brooks, and near-the inhabited country. I will shepherd them with good shepherding, and their folds shall be on the high hills oflsraei, where they shall lie down irrigood pasture, and feed fat on the provender of the hills of Israel! I will shepherd My flock, and I. will says the MIGHTY I shall seek for the lost; and will turn backoto straying; and bandage the broken; and strengthen the feeble,—+but kill the fat and strong. I will shepherd, properly! the MIGHTY Myself justice between sheep and sheep, and rams and he—goats. ‘Does it seem nothing to you to

have fed on good pasture, and neg- lected your shepherding ;-——that you must trample it with your feet? And having been quenched with clear water,-but you must muddle the rest with your feet? so that My sheep must eat what your feet crushed, and drink what your feet had be- fouled ? the MIGHTY

I Myself will decide between the fat sheep and the lean sheep. Because you have pushed with side and should`é`r, and struck with your horns all the tweak, until you have expelled them to the outside, I will protect My sheep, and they shall not again become a prey, for I will decide between sheep and sheep, and will appoint a Perfect Shepherd,. who will shepherd them,——-My Ser- vant David,——who shall pasture them, and be their shepherd. I, the EVER- LIVING, will also be their GOD, and My Servant David a prince to them. I, the Even-Lzvznc; have said it. I`hen I will make a treaty of

peace with them, and expel cruel beasts from the country, so that they may reside in the open plains in security, and sleep in the woods. I will also endow those who surround My hills with a blessing ;—and rain shall pour down in its season; and there shall be blessed showers. Then the tree of the field shall bear its fruit, and the earth give out its produce,—-and they shall be secure on their grounds. Then they will 35-12

know that I am the Even-·r.1v11~1e, when I have broken yokes oil them, and delivered them from power of those who enslaved them ;. for they shall never again be a prey for the heathen, nor shall the wild beasts of the earth devour them,-—but they shall rest in safety, and without fear. And I will raise for them a wonderful plant,-—and they shall be no more destroyed by famine in the country, and no more bear the insults of the 28

heathen ; but acknowledge that I am 30 their EvEa·1.1vmo Gon, and the House of Israel are My People,' You, gt however, My sheep, the sheep of My pastnres,·are Men! I am your GOD! says the Miozrrr Loan. Wl): @¤mxt nf £mmt Stir. The command of the EvER·L1v1NG 35 came again tome to say : 'Son of Adam! Turn towards

Mount Seir, and proclaim against it, and say to it,-——Thus says the M1G1~1TY LORD! I am opposed to you, Mount Seir, and will extend My hand against you, and make you desolate and waste. I will lay your towns in ashes ;—and you shall become desolate, and learn that I am the EvER·L1v1NG. Because you had a perpetual hatred, and poured out the children of Israel to the hand of the sword, at the time of Edom, at the time of his passionate

slaughter! Therefore, by My life,” says the Mxoury Loan, **1 will prepare blood for you! and blood shall pursue you; since you did not hate blood,—therefore blood shall pursue you! So I will make Mount Seir desolate and waste, and will cut off from it travellers and resident. I will also cover his hills with his slain, and on your highlands, and vales, and plains, those slain by the sword shall fall! I will make you an everlasting desolation! Your towns shall not be rebuilt! then you will learn that I am the Evaa—1.1vmo because you said, ‘Both those nations, and those two countries will be mine, and I shall possess them ll But the EvER·L1v1NG was there; therefore, saysthe MIGHTY LORD, ‘I will act like the rage and envy that you displayed against them, and display Myself as amongst them, when I punish you! You also will learn that 1 am the Evan-Lxvmc. 582 IO II 12

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0582

The History of the People of Israel