and have heard all the insults you I am with you, and will turn towards uttered against the rnquntstins of you, and you will be cultivated and 1`ney are desolated for us! They are given us to be devoured And you iniiated yourself against Me by your mouth, and boasted against Me by your words 2--1 heard I Thus says the Mrcurv Lono,
‘When all this country is glad,-—I will make you desolate! You re- joiced over the injuries to the House of Israel, when desolate ;-——therefore I will do this to you: All Mount Seir, and all Edom shall become desolate, and learn that I am the EVER- Livmc. 3 Sewage is ilyz %ills nf israel. But now, Son of Adam, preach to the Mountains of Israel, and say, Mountains of Israeli listen to a message from the Evan-Livxuo. Thus says the Mxcury Loan Because your enemies say, ‘Ah, Ah,’ at you, ‘ the everlasting hills will be our possessions} therefore pro- claim and say, Thus says the M1GH‘1‘Y LORD! Although they have ravaged and worried you all round, to make you a province of broken nations, and to bring you on to the end of the tongue as a con·· temptible People,~——therefore, Moun- tains of Israel l listen to the message of the Mrourv Loan! The M1G1~rrY Lon:) says to the Mountains, and to the Hills, and to the Valleys and Dales, and to the Waste Heaps of Ashes, and to the Deserted Cities, that were plun- dered, and laughed at by the broken thus says the I willpromise in the fire of My indignation against the broken nations, and against Edom; all of them who assigned My land to themselves as a possession, with a. delighted heart and a malignant mind, that they should be a subject of plunder.-—Therefore proclaim to the soil of Israel, and tell the Moun- tains, and Hills, and Valleys and Da1es,——thus says the MXGHTY LORD, I promise you in My indig- nation and anger,··—because you have borne the insults of the heathen, thus says the MIGHTY I have raised My band, that the heathen around you shall bear their own disgrace! But you, Mountains of Israel! shall grow trees and bear fruit for My People Israel, when they are ready to come! For sown, and I will increase a popula- tion from all ofthe House of Israel, who will return to the burnt·up cities and rebuild them. For I will increase men and cattle upon you, and you will increase and breed, to your ancient population, and I will benent you more than formerly, Then you will learn that I am the Evan-L1v1NG, when I_ bring the men of My People Israel to you, who will possess you, and you shall be their estates, and you shall never again be bereaved. Thus says the Mioury Loan!
‘Because they say to you, ‘ You devour men, and have been a destroyer of your population! Therefore you shall not again devour your population, nor again be says the Mionrv Loran. ‘And I will no more startle you by
the insult of the heathen, and you shall no more bear the reproach of the Peoples,·——for you shall not be the M1ou*rY LORD declares. The message of the EVER-LIVING came again to me to say: ‘ Son of Adam! when the House of
Israel resided in their own country they defiled it by their conduct, and idols,—·their conduct before me was like that of a depraved loose woman; so I poured My indignation upon them, because of the blood they shed upon the earth, and its detllement by idols. I also scattered them amongst the heathen, and littered them in the countries ;·-I punished them for their ways and practices. But upon arriving amongst the heathen where they were sent, they degraded MY HOLY NAME, by saying to them, I`hese are the People of the Even- L1v1NG! but they have been put out from His country l' I however have regard to My I-1oLv NAME, which the House of Israel have degraded amongst the heathen where they wander ;—·therefore tell the House of Israel, Thus says the MIGHTY LORD! I will not effect this for your sakes, House of Israel, but for MY HOLY NAME which you have degraded amongst the heathen to whom you have come. I intend to sanctity My greatly degraded NAME amongst the sm I0 II I2 16 18 20 2I 22