Adam, and tell Gog, ‘ Thus says the MIGHTY LORB, at the time when My People Israel rest secure, will you not know it? and come from your home in the far north,—·you,——zmd many Peoples with you,—all of them riding on horses,—·—a great horde, and a. numerous army? And you will come against My People Israel, like a cloud to cover the country. lt will bein future times that I shall bring you to My country, so that the nations may recognize Me when I have distinguished Myself upon you, Gog. in their sight l Thus says the MIGHTY LORD!
‘You are the one of whom I spoke in former times by means of My servants the Prophets of Israel! who proclaimed in the period of their life that I would bring you upon them. But at that time ;——at the period when Gog arrives at the soil the Mxonry Loan My indignation will be raised in My face, and in My anger and fiery wrath I promise that at that time there shall be a great trembling in the soil of Israel, when the fish of the sea, and the birds of the skies, and the beasts ofthe field, and all the things that creep on the face of the earth, shall tremble before Me, and the hills shall be overthrown, and the steeps shall fall, and every wall in the country shall fall l I will then proclaim against him a sword on all My hills, andthe sword of each says the and Iwill execute justice upon him, by disease and slaughter, and pouring rain ,“ and hail of fire; and rain brimstone upon him, and upon his hordes; and upon the many nations who are with him, for I intend to magnify, and dis- tinguish, and manifest Myself to the eyes of many nations, that they may learn that I am the EVER-L1v1NG. ‘ So now, Son of Adam, proclaim
against Gog, and say, Thus says the Miourv Loran! I am opposed to you, Gog, Chief Prince of Meshek and Thubal! Therefore I will incite you, and induce you, and bring you up from the far north, and lead you to the hills of Israel, where I will strike your bow out of your left hand and your arrows shall drop from your right, upon the hills of Israel. You shall fall and I will give you and all your hordes as food for the ravenous birds of all kinds, and beasts of the field. You shall fall on the face of I will also send fire upon Magog, and the population of the secure coasts, and they shall learn that I am the Even-Lrviuo, Then My Hour NAME will never die;—·when the heathen learn that I, the Evianmiviuo, am beneficent to Israel. ‘ Be sure it will come, and be in
says the MIGHTY LORD, ‘ that day of which I speak. I`hen the population ofthe cities
of Israel shall come out and burn, and nre the arms, and bucklers and shields, and bows and arrows, and maces and spears, and burn them for seven years as fuel. They will not need to carry timber from the fields, nor to cut it from the forests, for they will burn the equipments as fuel, and plunder their spoil, and loot their loot/’ the Mronrv Loan declares. ‘ And on that day I will give Gog a
place of burial in Israel,~——the Vale of Passage,—~alongside the sea, but it will make the travellers stop their noses, and they will bury Gog there with all his multitude, and call the spot Gog’s Defeat. It will take the people of Israel seven months to bury them, so that they may purify the country. All the people ofthe country will be burying them, and it will be amongst them a clay to celebrate MY says the Nlioiirr Loan. ‘ They will also appoint men to regu- larly go over the country to bury those who have dropped in scatterin gs upon the face of the earth, to cleanse it. They will be burying for a period of seven months. When the searchers, who examine the country, perceive a human bone, they will erect a beacon beside it, until the buryers bury it in the Vale of Gog’s Host, and the city also will be named Hamonah} Thus the country will be cleansed. the
MlGHTY LORD commands thus, *‘ call IO II I2 16
Nora. ~·· Ch. 39, v. 16. In Hebrew, 586