Elm Q9m·nh1z nf the muzik: §tizk¤. 15 The message of the Evan-Lxvmo came again to me to say: Now you, Son of Adam, select a 18 20 2 I 22 :.26 stick for yourself, and write upon it, ‘For ]udah.' And for the Sons of Israel his companions, take another stick, and write on it, ‘ For joseph! A stick for Ephraim, and for ali the House of Israel their companions. Then join them for yourself one to another as one stick,——and make them one for your hand. And when the children of your People ask you, and say, ‘ Will you inform us why you do this? ’ say to them, Thus says the Mionrv Loma, Look! I shall take the stick of joseph which is next to Ephraim, and the staves of Israel his companions, and join them to the stick of judah, and make them one stick, and they shall become one for My hand. Then hold the sticks you have written upon, in your hand in their sight, and say to them, Thus says the M1GHTY LORD, ‘Look! I will take the children of Israel from the hand of the heathen, where they have gone, and collect them from around and lead them to their own land, where I will make them one nation in the country, on the moun- tains of Israel, and they shall have a single king to govern them, and shall never more be two nations, nor be again divided into two kingdoms. They will not delile themselves again with idols, and pollutions, nor any of their rebellions. For I will rescue them from all their faults in which they sinned, and purify them, and they shall be My people, and I will be their GGD. Then My, Servant David shall reign over them and be their single Shepherd to them all, and they will conduct themselves by My decrees, and regard My institutions, and practise them, and rest in the country that I gave to My servant ]acob,~——where your fathers dwelt. You shall reside in it, and your sons, and grandsons for ever,——and My Servant David shall be your prince for ever! 4 ‘ I will then make a treaty of
peace. It shall be an everlasting treaty that I will make with them, and I will increase them,——and fix 38~———r3
My Sanctuary amongst them for ever. and reside with them, and I will be their GOD, and they will be My People. Then the heathen will learn that I, the Even-Lrvmc, sanctity 28 Israel, when My Sanctuary is amongst them for ever! Wiz @u¤m of ®¤g. The message of the EvE1z—r.1v1No 38 came again to me to say : ‘Son of Adam! set your face 2 against Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshek, and '1`hubal, and proclaim to him, and Thus says the MIGHTY LORD,——~I am opposed to you, Gog, chief prince of Meshek and Thubal, but I shall control you by putting My bit into your jaws and bringing you and all your army, horsemen and cavalry all of them fully armed; a numerous host, with shields and
bucklers, and trained tothe use of swords ;~——and Pars, Kush, and Phut, all of them with shield and helmet; Gomer and all his hordes; the
House of Thorgarmah from the far north, and the whole of his hordesj many Peoples with you,-·—drilled and disciplined by yourself;——··you and all your host,——and their hosts with you, ·—— and you yourself shall be their Commander. Prepared by yourself for a long time,—~—shall come at the end of the years to the country restored from its ruins; with your recruits from many Peoples, against the Mountains of Israel that were a continuous waste, but who have been brought out of the nations, and all of them dwelling in security,——~until you ascend like a storm! Coming on like a cloud to cover the land,-—-you and all your hordes, and many thus says At that time thoughts will come into your mind, and you will conceive a vile idea, and will say, I will attack a. country of unwalled villages,·——I will advance to a quiet, secure population,·—all of them without walls, or bars, and havingno gates! in plunder and loot, to turn your hand against the
reinhabited ruins, and against a People collected from the heathen, practising commerce and trade,
and residing on the top of the earth. ‘Sheba, and Dedan, and mer- 10 II I2 I3 chants of Tharshish, and all her Young Lions, will ask you,——-·‘ Have 585