Exodus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 60

The Five Books of Moses

EXODUS._ 9—·sa 9*4 IO II I2 18 and sheep, a very severe punishment. But the Evxn-uvmc will distinguish between the herds of Israel, and [between the herds of the Mitzerites, and in all the herds of Israel nothing The EVERJJVING, however, fixed

After a while the EVER- L1vlNG will do this thing in the The Even-Lxvmc ac- cordingly brought the event at the period, and killed a number of the cattle of the Mitzerites, but of the cattle of the Israelities not any died. Pharoh, also, sent to examine, and discovered that of the cattle of the Israelites none had died, yet Pharoh hardened his heart, and would not let the People go. Subsequently the EVER-LIVING

Take up for yourselves hands full of ashes from the smeltery furnaces, and let Moses lling them to the sky in the sight of Pharoh, and they shall be- come a fine dustiover all the land of Mitzer, and it shall settle upon man and beast, to iniiame and produce boils in all the land of the Mitzeraim. They took, therefore, ashes from a

smeltery, and presented themselves before Pharoh, and Moses Hung them skyward, and they produced infiam· matory boils upon man and beast, and the scientists were not able to stand before Moses, for the inHam· mation came upon the scientists, as well as upon the other tMitzerites. But the EVER-LIVING hardened Pharolfs heart; so he would not listen to them ;——as the EVER·L1V1NG had foretold to Moses. Afterwards the Even-mvme said

Arise at dawn, and go and stand before Pharoh, and say to him; Thus says the Even-mvxno Gob ofthe Hebrews, ‘ Release My People to serve Mel Or else, this time, I will ding with all My might upon your heart, and, on your ministers, and on your people, so that they may learn that there is `none, except MYsBLF, inthe whole earth. For now I will send My hand against, and strike you; yourself, and Your People, with the object of destroying you from the earth. if you oppose yourself to My People, to prevent them from going,I will rain, at the date appointed in the future, very fierce hail, such as has not been in Mitzer from the day it was founded until now., Therefore send your cattle to shelters, and all that you have in the field. V Every man and beast that remains in the field, and is not gathered into houses, the hail will come down upon them, and kill them. Those of the ministers of Pharoh

who feared the message of the EVER- LIVING, collected their servants, and their cattle into the houses, but those who did not lay the messageof the EVER-Lrv1NG to heart, left their ser- vants and cattle in the field. The Even-r.1v1NG afterwards said

Extend your hand to the skies, and there will come hail in all the land of the Mitzeraim, upon man, and upon beast ;— and upon all that is in the field, in the land of theMitzeraim,' So Moses extended his rod to the

skies, and the Evnmnivmo uttered His voice; and fire ran along the ground, and the EVER-LIVING poured hail upon the land of the Mitzeraim. And there was hail, and continuous fire mixed with the hail, very cruel, such as had never been like it in all the land ofthe Mitzeraim from when it became a nation. The hail also struck in all the land ofthe Mitzeraim whatever was i_n the field, from man to beast, and all the vegetation of the field was struck by the hail, and all the trees of the field broken, except in the land of Goshen where the children of Israel were,——·-there the hail was not. After this Pharoh sent and invited

Moses and Aaron, and said to them ; ‘I have sinned this time! The EVER-,Lrv1Nc; has done right, and I and my people have done wrong. Pray to the EVER-L1v1N.G ; for mighty are the utterances of GOD,·-—a.nd the hail ;-—and I willrclcase you, and no more continue to prevent! When

I am outside ofthe city, I will spread out my hands to the EvE1z~L1vm<;, when the voices will cease, and the hail will not continue; so that you may learn that the earth belongs to the Evmz-1.1v1No,.and that you and your ministers may learn at last to fear before the presence oi the EvER· uvmo Gon. S0 the Bax and the barley were

cnt up, for the barley was in ear and the flax in flower; but the wheat and rye were not cut up, for they were of later growth. _ When Moses went from the

presence of Pharoh outside the city, 20 21

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Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0060

The History of the People of Israel