Exodus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 61

The Five Books of Moses


9-34 34 35 10 he spread his hands before the EVER- LIVING; and the voices cea.scd,Aa.ud the hail storm poured not earthward. But when Pharoh perceived that

the rain and hail and voices had ceased, he continued to sin, and hardened his heart,— he and his ministers. So Pharoh’s heart was obstinate, and he would ;1ot_ release the children of Israel ;——as the EVER- 1.1v1N<; foretold, by the hand of Moses. Therefore the EVER-LIVING said to

Go to Pharoh, for I will strike his heart, and the heart of his ministers, with two other evidences in their midst, that you can record for the ears of your sons and your s011s’ sous, how I brought you up from the Mitzeraim, and the evidences that I produced among them,that they might know that I am the EVER-1.1v1NG. Moses and Aaron consequently

went to Pharoh and said to him, ‘ Thus says the Evmz-L1v1NG Goo of the Hebrews; ‘ Until when will you refuse? resisting to My face to release My people to serve Me? However if you continue refusing to release My people, I will bring locusts shortly into your dominions, and they shall hide the sight of the ground, so that you shall not be able to see the ground ; andthoy shall eat the remains of the fragments of what has been left to you from the hail; and shall eat all your fruit trees from the field ; and shall fill your palace, and the palaces of your ministers, and the houses of all the Mitzerites, in such a way as you have never seen, or your fathers, or the fathers of your fathers from the day they lived upon the earth to this day} Then he ceased and went away from Pharoh. Then Pharoh’s ministers said to

How long is this thing to go on with us,,to ensnare us? Release these men to serve their EVER- LIVING GOD.——·—Do you not know that Mitzer is already destroyed ? ’ Moses and Aaron were brought

back to Pharoh, and he accordingly Go! Serve the EVER- Liviuo, your GoD-—~Who, and what do you wish should go with you ? ’ With our young,

and our old, we shall go; with our sons and ourdaughters; with our sheep, and our cattle, we shall go; so that we may hold a holy festival to our GOD} 10-·—23 IO The

EVER-LIVING must be with you, then, when I let you go with your children ; look out! for evil is before you! It shall never be so !-—But you may go now, and make a pilgrimage, and serve your EvnR—L1V1NG—-—for that is what you asked. And they were driven from the presence of Pharoh. Then the Eveerrvrno said to

Stretch out your hand over the land of the Mitzeraim for the locusts, and they shall come up upon the land of Mitzer, and shall eat everything green in the country; all that the hail has left} So Moses extended his rod over

the country of the Mitzeraim, and the EVER-L1V1NG drove an east wind over the country all that day and all the night until the morning came, and the east wind carried the locusts; and the locusts came up over all the country of the Mitzeraim, and seized upon all thc dominions of the Mitzcraim very gricv0uslyQ Before thomlthcre were no such locusts, and never since have there been such. They even hid the grounds from sight, and blackened the earth, and ate every green thing upon the ground, and all the fruit of the trees which the hail had left, and no verdure was left on the trees, or grass on the 1ields,in all the land of the Mitzeraim. Then Pharoh hastened, and sum-

moned Moses and Aaron, and said; ‘I have sinned against the Evan- LIVING GOD, and against you l There- fore pardon now my sin, only this once, and entreat the EVER-Lxvmcz GOD to turn from me also this death! So they went out from Pharoh and

entreated the EvER—L1v1NG, and the LORD caused a very strong west wind to blow, and it swept off the locusts and blew them into the Red Sea. There was not a locust in all the dominions of the Mitzeraim. But the Evmz—L1v1No strengthened the heart of Pharoh, and he would not release the children of Israel. Afterwarcls the EVER-LIVING said

Stretch your hand towards the sky, and darkness shall come upon all the land- of the Mitzeraim; and a darkness that may be felt.’ Therefore Moses stretched his

hand to the skies, and thick dark- ness came upon all the land of the Mitzeraim for three days. No one Gr II I2 I6

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Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0061

The History of the People of Israel