Hosea - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 602

The Books of the Prophets

6-10 HOSEA. IO XI IO II I2 16


In 1srae1’s home I see horrors! liphmim whoring, amd Israel defiled I And judah is ready for reaping, S0 I turn you, My people, to slaves! ’ @132 Sumxrahiz wires uf israel. When -Isra.e1 I would have cured, 'I`he vices of Ephraim were found! And Shomeroxfs sins that make falsehood; For thieves are within ;—robbers pillage outside! Nor reflect in their heart I remember their crimes, 'l`ho’ they wrap up their acts, from My face! Their King loves their crimes, and their Princes are pleased I They are like a baker, _when heating his oven, . Only rest from their lust, as he rests from his kneading, Until the dough swells up in ferment! Daily fury of wine heats our Princes and King; He joins hands with the scoffers, Whose heart like an oven is ready prepared, All night sleeps the Baker till morning, But his fire still burns with a flickering flame. So they burn as an oven, and devour th_eir judges, Their Kings are all fallen,—none cried to Me for them l Ephraim mixes himself with the pagans; Ephraim is like to a cake never turned, Strangers suck out his strength, and he kno.ws not l He has sprinkled grey hairs, but he never perceives! Israel’s haughtiness shows in his face, But they never will turn to the LIFE, Nor for all this will seek for their GOD. Ephraim has become like a dove, Without any heart in her fears; To Egypt they cry, and to Ashur they go ; As they fly I will throw My net for them, Bring down like the birds from the skies; As their Senate has heard, I will punish I Woe to them ! wanderers from Me! Alas for them ! who revolted from Me! When I rescued, about Me they lied! They called not to Me from their hearts, Altho’ they have yelled on their beds! They assemble for corn and for wine, But rebel against Me! If I weakened or strengthened their arms, Yet they thought but of mischief for Me ! They do not rebound,——they are like worthless bows; So their Princes shall fall by the sword, Because of their swaggering tongues ; They are scorned in the country of Mitzer. Till]: llclmlt nf israel from (Bch. Put the Horn to your lips ! Fly over the House of the LORD like an Eagle! They have broken My Bond, And rebelled from My law! Yet he called Me ‘ My GoD,' So you, Israel, knew Me! {>O2
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0602

The History of the People of Israel