Hosea - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 601

The Books of the Prophets

HOSEA. 5--6 6-—g With your Hooks and your herds, go and question the LORD,~·— 6 Yet they find not ;——Hc draws off from them! The LORD you betrayed when you bore bastard sons, Now a, month will eat them and their herds. 3 Warning in israel. Sound the trumpet in Ghibeh, the loud gong in Ramah,··- 8 Rouse Beth~aven,————and Benjamin bring in with you l Ii or Ephraim shall be waste in the day of reproof, To Israel’s Tribes, I proclaim the event. ]udah’s Chiefs are like breakers of bounds! So on them I will pour out My rage like a stream} Ephraim is broken, and crushed by defeat, Because he consented to follow the lies. So to Ephraim I was like a moth, And to }udah’s House like a decay. But when Ephraim perceived his disease, And when judah discovered his wound,-— Then Ephraim went off to seek Ashur, And set loose the Ravaging King; But he could not find you a. cure, Nor could he take from you your sore l For to Ephraim I was like a lion, And a tiger to ]udah’s house, Il I will tear,—and be off, I will snatch——and no man shall release. 1 will go and return to My den, Till they suffer and seek for My face; About Me they will think in their grief I israel Walks nf ilcpcntiug. EPHRAIM SPEAKS. ‘ Let us go and return to the LORD, He has torn us, He only can heal; He wounded, and He can bind up; Can revive us from day on to day; Cam raise,—·—and make live in His presence, Can teach and instruct to know LIFE. His progress is fixed like the dawn, And He comes to us like showers come; Like the Harvest rain poured on the earth l ' Tim LORD 1zE1>r.1Es. ‘_ What can I do for you Ephraim? And what can I judah for you? Your piety, like morning clouds, And like dew, at the dawn fades away l ’I`ho’ I sought you by Preachers, And slew by their words from My mouth, And My judgments flashed on you like light? I wish more for Mercy than Offerings, And for knowledge of GOD more than Gifts. But like Adam you broke from the contract, You always were faithless to Mel ‘ Gilad is a city of villains, It is rich in the foot-marks of blood! And like gang-robbers hiding for men, Gangs of Priests on the Shekem road murder, There they practise deliberate crime I 601 I0 II I2
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0601

The History of the People of Israel