HOSEA.5--66-—gWith your Hooks and your herds, go and question the LORD,~·— 6Yet they find not ;——Hc draws off from them!The LORD you betrayed when you bore bastard sons,Now a, month will eat them and their herds.3 Warning in israel.Sound the trumpet in Ghibeh, the loud gong in Ramah,··- 8Rouse Beth~aven,————and Benjamin bring in with you lIi or Ephraim shall be waste in the day of reproof,To Israel’s Tribes, I proclaim the event.]udah’s Chiefs are like breakers of bounds!So on them I will pour out My rage like a stream}Ephraim is broken, and crushed by defeat,Because he consented to follow the lies.So to Ephraim I was like a moth,And to }udah’s House like a decay.But when Ephraim perceived his disease,And when judah discovered his wound,-—Then Ephraim went off to seek Ashur,And set loose the Ravaging King;But he could not find you a. cure,Nor could he take from you your sore lFor to Ephraim I was like a lion,And a tiger to ]udah’s house, IlI will tear,—and be off,I will snatch——and no man shall release.1 will go and return to My den,Till they suffer and seek for My face;About Me they will think in their grief Iisrael Walks nf ilcpcntiug.EPHRAIM SPEAKS.‘ Let us go and return to the LORD,He has torn us, He only can heal;He wounded, and He can bind up;Can revive us from day on to day;Cam raise,—·—and make live in His presence,Can teach and instruct to know LIFE.His progress is fixed like the dawn,And He comes to us like showers come;Like the Harvest rain poured on the earth l 'Tim LORD 1zE1>r.1Es.‘_ What can I do for you Ephraim?And what can I judah for you?Your piety, like morning clouds,And like dew, at the dawn fades away l’I`ho’ I sought you by Preachers,And slew by their words from My mouth,And My judgments flashed on you like light?I wish more for Mercy than Offerings,And for knowledge of GOD more than Gifts.But like Adam you broke from the contract,You always were faithless to Mel‘ Gilad is a city of villains,It is rich in the foot-marks of blood!And like gang-robbers hiding for men,Gangs of Priests on the Shekem road murder,There they practise deliberate crime I601I0III2