His encampment is spread very wide, And His order works very strongly; And great is the Day of the Loan, And terrible I—·W110 can abide it P return, And with all your hearts come near to Me, With fasting, and weeping and grief; Tear your hearts,-—a.nd not only your robes ~— And return to ]EuovAH your G0n. For He has compassion;-—is kind, Slowto anger and great in His mercy; And it grieves Him to punish the sinful, Who knows but that He will turn back, And leave us a blessing behind, Of bread, and of wine for our Lxrz-Lxvxnc Gon 2 Gb: Gull in iizpzutnurz. Blow the Trumpet in Zion l Fix a Fast, and proclaim a restraint,
Let the Nation collect to a solemn Assembly, Bring up the old, and collect all the young Bring out the child at the breast, With the Bridegroom and Bride from their chamber. And weep at the Porch and the Altar, You Priests who attend on the Lokv,
Ol LQRD, pity Your people; Give not Your estate to reproach, For the Heathen to govern among them. For why should they ask in the heathen, ‘ What has become of their Gon ? Then the LORD will feel love for His country. And for His poor people feel pity :
And answering the LORD will reply, ‘ I will send, you the com and the wine, And you of the oil shall have plenty; You shall not be a scorn to the heathen, But I will drive from you the Northmen, And expel to a desert and waterless land, With his van to the Sea of the East, And his rear to the Sea of the West, And his stink shall come up, And his stink shall arise, Although he has done mighty deeds!
Fear not, my country, but laugh and be glad, For the LoRD can accomplish great things! Fear not, you herds of the tield, For the herbs of the pastures shall spring, And the trees shall be loaded with fruits, And the tig and the vine give their wealth! Let the children of Zion be glad And rejoice in ]EHOvAH your Gon, Who will give you the rain by its law, And pour for you plentiful showers, And the rain of the Spring, as before, And 611 up your garners with grain, 611 II I2 x8 20 2X 23