4*.82... 25JOEL.26And pour out wine and oil for your cellars,And repay you because of the yearsThat the locust, and licker, and guawer,And Grub have devoured,MV Great Army I sent upon you.And then you shall eat and be full,And give thanks to the Name of the LIFE,Your GOD Who does wonders for you,That My people may never be shamed,But learn that in Israel I dwell,And that I am your Lx1=E—o1v1No Gon;And that there is no one beside,And My people need never be shamed!And then after that I will pour My Spirit upon all mankind ;And your sons and your daughters be glad ;And your Old Men be dreamers of dreams;And at visions your young men shall look!And also on servants and slaves,My Spirit I then will pour out,And Bx signs in the sky, and on earth,Blood, and Fire, and Columns of smoke!The Sun shall to Darkness be turned,And the Moon shall be changed into Blood,Ere the Day of the Lord will arrive,That Great and that terrible Day EAll who call on the LORD’s Name will escape,For on Zion’s hill, and in Salem, arefuge shall be,As the Loxn has declared,And whom the LoRD calls will be safe!For be sure in those days, and that time,When ]erus’1em and ]udea's captives I free,I will gather together the NationsAnd bring to the plain of GOD’s land,And there will deliver My judgmentOn them on account of My race,And Israel, My own, whom they scatteredTo the heathen, who broke up My land,And who played at their dice for My people;And paid for a whore with a boy,And bought wine with a girl, to be drunk!What are you Tyre and Sidon to Me?With the whole of ~Philistia's vales?Would you take your vengeance on Me?If you try silly vengeance on Me,I vengeance will send on your heads!Because you have taken My silver and gold,And carried My beautiful things to your Temples!And the sons of jerusalem, and ]udea's sons,You have sold to the sons of the I’on,To carry them far from their borders,But I will rouse them from the place where you sold them,And your vengeance will bring on your heads,And sell of your sons and your daughters,No1·s.····Ch. 4, v. I. In all versions the original Hebrew division, making fourwhich rest on the Vulgate Latin there are chapters.-——~F. F.only three chapters in }oel, but I follow612