for seven days; that is: in the first day you shall remove ferment from your houses ; for all who eat fermented bread, then, that person shall be ex- communicated from Israel, from the first day to the seventh day. So the first day shall be proclaimed holy, and the seventh day shall be pro- claimed holy for you. You shall not do any work upon them; except for what every person must eat; you shall only do that. Therefore, guard these days of unfermented bread, for on these days I led out your armies from the land of the Mitzeraim with power, consequently keep this period as an everlasting institution in your generations; beginning at the four- teenth day of the month at the dusk to eat unfermented bread, until the twenty-first of the month at dusk. During seven days, ferment shall not be brought into your houses; for everyone eating of fermented bread, that person shall be excommunicated from the families of Israel, whether a foreigner or a native of the country. You shall not eat of any in your dwellings. You shall eat biscuits} Moses therefore proclaimed to all
the magistrates of Israel, saying; ‘ Blow the trumpet, and select for yourselves a lamb for your families, and kill the Passover; and take a bunch of hysop and dip it in the blood which ensues, and sprinkle the lintel and the two do0r—posts with the blood which ensues, and none of you shall go out from the door of his house until daybreak; for at dusk the EVER-L1v1NG will strike the Mitzerites, but when he sees the blood on the lintel, and upon the two door-posts, then the Ev1·;u—1.1v11~zo will pass over the door, and will not allow injury to come to that house to strike it. ‘You shall also keep this com-
mand as an Institution for you and your sons for ever. Also when you have arrived at the land which the EvER—L1v1NG will give you, as He promised, you shall there also regard this service. And when your children shall say to you; ‘ What is this service I`his is the sacrifice of the Passover to the EVER- LIVING, Who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Mitzer, when He struck the Mitzerites, and protected our houses. Therefore, the People shall bow down and So the children of Israel went and
did as the EVER-Lrv1NG commanded to Moses and Aaron :·—they did it. When that midnight came, the
Evan-1,1v1No struck all the tirst—born in the land ofthe Mitzeraim, from the first-born of Pharoh, who sat upon the throne, to the first—born of the prisoner in the dungeon ; and all the first-born of cattle. Then Pharoh and all his ministers arose in the night, with all the Mitzerites, and there was a great shriek among the Mitzeraim, for there was not a house in which there was not someone dead! Consequently he sent to Moses and
Rise up! Go away from among my People; both yourselves and the children of Israel. Go! serve the EvER·L1v1NG, as He has commanded you. And take your sheep and your cattle, as you demanded, and march. But therefore blesscrnel ’ The Mitzerites also pressed on the
People to hasten them to go out from we So the People took up the dough before it was fer- mented with yeast, rolled up in their knapsacks on their shoulders. The children of Israel also had
done as Moses ordered, and had de- manded from the Mitzerites orna- ments of silver and articles of gold, and clothing; and the Evan-Livmc gave them favour in the eyes of the Mitzerites. Thus they demanded from them, and escaped from the Mitzeraim. Then the children of Israel marched
from Ramases to the Encampment, 62 26 28 33 34 35 37