Exodus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 64

The Five Books of Moses

13~~ 12 l EXODUS.


about six hundred thousand mem, 1 as the EvER~L1v1NG commanded to 38 beside children; many strangers also went; up with them, and very great

39 herds of sheep and cattle. They also banked the dough which they had brought from the Mitzeraim into biscuits, before it was fermented, for the Mitzerites drove them, and they were not able to ferment it, as well as also being ordered not to do it. §}l2ri¤B uf H¤r¤21’¤ Rzsihzncz in 43 44 45 47 49 ®»m¤*· N ow. the period of the residence of

the children of Israel, during which they stayed amongst the Mitzerites, was four hundred and thirty years. And it was at the end of the four hundred and thirtieth year, upon the self-same day, that all the armies, of the Evan-1.1v1N<; came outfrom the land of the Mitzeraim; it is a night to be observed to the EvER—L1v1NG; for He brought them out from the land of the Mitzeraim. It is the Night, the Night of observance to the EvE1z~1.1v11~1c;, for all the children of Israel and their descendants. The Even-L1v1NG had said to

This is the Feast of the Passover: and son of a foreigner shall not eat of it; but every person bought with money when he has been circumcised may eat of it. ‘ It shall be eaten by single families;

they shall not carry any ofits flesh outside of the house; aud a bone of it shall not be broken. Every family in Israel shall offer it; and if there resides with you a foreigner, and he would offer the Passover to the EVER- Lxvme, let him cause every male to be circumcised. He may then ap- proach to offer it, when he shall be likea native of the country, but any uncircumcised person shall not eat of it. One law shall be for the native, and for the foreigner, who is among you ’ So all the children of Israel did Moses and Aaron; they did it. Thus it was on the self—same day 51 the Evmz·L1v11~1e caused the children of Israel to go out from the land of the Mitzeraim, with their armies. The Evniz—1.1v1No also commanded 13 Consecrate to Me every first—born proceeding from every womb of the children of Israel, both of man and beast. It is Mine} Therefore Moses said to the people,

‘ Remember this day when you came out of the land of the Mitzeraim, from the house of bondage; for with a strong hand the EVER—LIv1NG brought you from there:——so you shall not eat fermented bread. The time when you came out was inthe month of harvest; consequently, when the EvER¢L1VING brings you to the land of the Cana.ni·tes, and the Hitites, and Amorites, and the Hivites, and the jebusites, which He swore to give to you ;—-a land flowing with milk and honey ;—·—then you shall perform this service in this month. For seven days you shall eat biscuits, and on the seventh day shall be a festival to the Evsn·L1v1NG. You shall eat biscuits for seven days ; and fermented bread shall not be seen with you; nor shall ferment be seen in all your boundaries. You shall inform your I`his is for the Passingover the`Evnu·1.1v1NG made for us, in bringing us out from the Mitzeraim} Thus it w ll be to you like a mark on your hand, and as a.remenibrance.betwee11 your eyes, so that the reverence for the EVER- L1v1NG may be before you; for with a strong hand the EVER·LIV1NG led you out from the Mitzeraim; there- fore you shall observe this institution for a witness for ever and ever. ‘And when the Evan-Livine has

brought you to the land of Canan, which He promised to you and to your fathers that He would give you, then you shall devote every §rst—born IO II I2

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0064

The History of the People of Israel