Micah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 631

The Books of the Prophets

5——1 MIKAH. GDI): Qlrinrz tram Eztblzm. 6~.5 But you, pretty Bethlem, tho' small in the thousands of judah, 5 From you comes to Me the Great Ruler of Israel! Who brought you, long ago, in old times from the East; So He fixes the time for the birth of her child, And He will restore with the Children of Israel The rest of His brothers! He shall stand and control in the strength of the LORD, In the power of the Name of jm-IOVAH his GOD, And they rest, when tired, at the bounds of the earth. He will bring us deliverance from Ashur, And will come to our land, and will walk on our Hills, And appoint Seven Shepherds above us, And eight who will Organize Men, And break with the sword Ashur’s land, And the gates of the land of Nimrod ; And will rescue from Ashur those brought from our country, And whom he took out from our bounds. But the fragments of jacob shall be in Great Nations, Like dew from the LORD, and like rain on the grass, Not contrived by man’s mind. Thus the fragments of jacob shall be to the Heathen, In the midst of Great Peoples, A lion with cows in a forest, A Tiger to sheepfolds, Who passes to ravage and tear, And without an escape! Raise your hands on your tyrants, And strike at your foes! says the LORD, ‘ I will cut off your chariot drivers, And cut off the town of your land, And throw down your fortifications, And cut witchcrafts off from your hands, And you shall have no more diviners ; And cut from you Statues and Idols, And you shall no more serve the work of your hands l But abolish your shrines from your midst, When I have destroyed your assailants; And execute justice in anger and wrath On the Heathen who never would hear! wb: ¥12H uf the §¤rb. Hear, now, what the LORD has required ; ‘.Arise! plead to the Mountains, Let the hills hear your voice ! Hear ! Mountains, the plea of the LORD ! And you firm foundations of earth, For j1·:HOV,AH will plead with His people, And with Israel He will discuss !

‘ My People! What did I to you ? How wearied you? Answer to Me ! For I brought you from Mitzer’s land out, From that House of Bondage I freed l And Moses I sent as your Leader, With Aaron and Miriam with him. My People remember the question 631 xo 1 1 12

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0631

The History of the People of Israel