Micah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 632

The Books of the Prophets

6-6 MIKAH. IO II 12 16 7-- 2 OfBa1ak, the Moabitc King, And how Bala»m·bcn-Baor answered, At the Wood of Acacias and Gilgal, And thus learn how good the Loan is. BALAK. ‘ With what shall I come to the LORD ? How bow befofe GOD the MOST HIGH E Shall I approach Him with bumbofferings? With calves, and the sons of a year? Please the Lord with a. thousand of rams E With ten thousand of rivers of oil E Or give my First-born for my fault? The fruitof myself for the sin of my soul 2 BALAM. ‘ He has show_n you, frail man, what is right; ?—— And what does the LORD seek from you To administer justice aright, Love mercy, walk humbly with Gon ! Q warning tu the Wicket. In the City the Lord’s voice is heard ; And Wisdom will reverence His power,1 And obey Him Who fixes the rule. ‘ Are the treasures of sin in the house of the bad ? ?-—— And is the short measure still there Will I pardon the falsified scale? On the bag full of weights that deceive? When the rich are stuffed full of oppression, And her populace speakers of lies, Who deceive with their tongue and their mouth P ‘ So I have indicted disease, And will waste you because of your sins ! You shall eat, but shall never be fed, But feel emptiness still in your breast! You shall fly but shall never escape; What escapes I will give to the sword ! You shall sow, but you never shall reap, Dress the olive, but not use its oil, And ferment, but not drink of the wine I ‘ For you keep to the Statutes of Gomri, And all practices Ahab’s House did, And walk by the plans they contrived. I therefore will make you a ruin, And your populace bring to contempt, And you bear My peoples reproach 2 ghlikah ‘§ztuails his Suliiubz in ti}2 Mikal nf the @irk2h. Woe to mel for the harvest is done, The vintage all gone, there are no grapes to eat! Nor ripe fig,-—the desire of my life!

2 The gentle have wasted from earth l And the upright has ceased among men E power} as in some other places but I also do.—F. F. ;I`lgllSil 632

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0632

The History of the People of Israel