MIKAH.7--37--17And they are all plotting to murder,Each hunts for his friend with a net!Both hands are stretched out after crime,The Prince and the Ludge ask a bribe; And the great tells t e wish of his life,-And thus are they woven together!The best is a. thorn and the straightest a. briar!Look out for the day when your punishment comes,Even now you are deeply perplexed !Trust not to a. Friend 2 Rely not on a guide !From the wife of your breast shut the doors of your mouth!For the son will dishonour his father,From her mother the daughter rebels,And the bride from her mother-in-law,And the foes of a man are the men of his house!For myself I will watch for the LORD,I will wait for my Salvatiorfs GOD,For my GOD will still listen to me.So let not my foeman rejoice,For if I fall down I shall rise,For my darkness the LORD turns to_ light.I will fear the correction of GOD,Because I have sinned against Him,Until He examines my plea,And does justice and brings me the light,I will await, till I feel He acquits,My opponents will see, and be covered with shame, Where is jm-IOVAH, your GODWye Kzstnrutimt nf Israel irnmiszh.I see her now as she is,Trodden down like the dirt of the streets!But a day comes to rebuild your walls,On the day the decree is revoked !To you they will come on that day,From the district of Ashur and cities of Mitzer;From the Border of Mitzer as far as the River ;And from Sea to the Sea, and from Mountain to Hill !Though the land has been wasted of people, `The result of their crimes!Wye §r¤pljet’s ¥rag2r mm the §¤r¤'z Reply.Tue Pnornar. Guide Your race by Your staH`, the flock You possess,Who lie lost in the forest of Carmel,Who in olden times pastured in Gilad and Bashan!Tun Loan.I wilyhow to you wonderful things,As when I rought from the country of Mitzer!The Heathen shall see them and blush!All their Heroes lay hand on their mouth !And their ears shall be strained.They shall hck up the dust like a snake!Like earth worms crawl out from their holes,In dread of the L1v1NG, your GOD,And in terror of You Q—·—the Euphrates.033I0III216