LORD, I have heard of your fame·—and I fear; Revive LORD your work in the midst of the years, In the midst of the years You revealed, And in anger Your mercy remember. §\ 3D¤ulm mt ibn Qilulurr uf ®¤i1. The LORD advanced from Theman, And the HOLY from Mount Paran ; His glory clothed the Skies, And his grandeur filled the Earth, And bright rays of light were thi darts in His hand; And in them was hidden His might! Command before Him marched, And {lame beneath His feet. He stood, and He spanned the earth, He looked,-—and the Nations rose! And the lofty Peaks were shatteged, Amd the ancient Hills laid low! I-IisPaths are everlasting, Eternal paths are Hrs! I saw Kushan’s tents in sorrow,-· Midian’s land in terror shook! LORD, with Rivers were You angry? Was Your fury against the Streams? Were You wroth against the Sea? That Your horsemen rode on it? With Your Chariots of Salvation, And Your bow exposed to the light? At Your promise made the '1`rihesmen, The rivers burst from earth! The Mountains saw and quivered, The raging Sea ran back, The Deep raised up its voice ; The Height raised up its hands, 640