Fear not! Stand still! and you shall see the victory of the EvER~LIv1NG, which He will effect for you to-day! For although you see the Mitzerites to-day, you shall not see them again for ever and ever! The LORD will fight with them, and you shall keep silent ! ' The Evmz·1.1v1No then said- to
Why do you cry to Me? Command the children of Israel to march. And you, raise your stafll and extend your hand over the sea, when it will divide itself, and the children of Israel can go through it as upon dry land. But I, Myself, will embolden the hearts ofthe Mitzerites, and they shall follow after them. T hen I shall be honouredby Pharoh and by all his forces, by his chario— teers and horsemen, and the Mit— zerites shall learn that I am the EVER-L1v1NG by My conquering over Pharoh and his horsemen. Then the Messenger of GOD who
went before the camp of Israel marched, and went behind them, and Mitzerites, and the camp of Israel, and became a cloud and darkness even ofthe light of the night;-s0 that the one approached not to the other all the night. When Moses stretched his hand
over the sea, the EvER—Llv1NG caused a strong east wind to blow and rolled back the waters all that night, and made the sea like dryland, and made a plain inthe waters, Then the children of Israel passed through the sea on the dried—up part, and the waters were to them a protection! on their right hand and upon their left. The Mitzerites also pursued and went after them; all the horse chariots of Pharoh, and his horsemen, into the midst of the sea. But when the morning-watch arrived the EVER- L1vxNG looked down from the Pillar of Fire and Cloud on to the army of Mitzeraim and broke off the wheels
_ from their chariots, and confused the ranks of the drivers, so that the Let us fly from the presence of Israel, for the EvER—L1v1NG fights for them against the Mitzerites. Then the Ev1:m·L1v1No said to
Stretch out your hand over the sea, and the waters shall return upon the Mitzerites, over their chariots and over their horsemen. So Moses extended his hand over
the waters, and the waters returned at the beginning of the morning to their regular How, and the Mitzerites fled from their approach. Thus the Evan-Ltvino overwhelmed the Mit- zerites in the midst of the sea, and the waters returned and struck the chariots and the horsemen, and all the forces of Pharohthat went after them into the sea;—·not one of them remained. 2I 22 26 27 28
—·that is, like a moat
or ditch on each side of the shallow from which the waters had been driven oH` by the east wind.—~F. F. 66