Exodus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 67

The Five Books of Moses

14--29 EXODUS. 29


But the children of Israel went

along upon the dry land in the midst of the sea, and the water was a pro- tection to them on the right and on the left. Thus the Evan-L1v1NG saved Israel at that time from the hand of the Mitzerites, and Israel saw the Mitzerites dead on the shore of the sea; and Israel also saw the great power by which the EVER- LIVING dealt with the Mitzerites, therefore the People feared the EVE R~ LIVING, and trusted in the LORD, and Moses His servant. Sung uf muses} Then Moses and the children of

Israel sang this song to the EVER- LIVING and said in chorus: S1*ANzA-I. ‘ I will sing to the LORD, For with splendid power, He has flung the horse and his rider Into the sea! S1·ANzA II. ‘ I shout and sing to my GOD, For from Him comes my salva- tion! He is my GOD, and I rest upon Him ! The GOD of my Fathers, and I will exalt Him ! S·rANzA III. ‘ The LORD is a warrior; His name is THE LIFE, He whelmecl Phar0h’s cars and his force in the sea! And his generals sank in the Sea of the Weeds! The breakers sucked to the deeps like stone! I render this into the metre as I read the HCbI€W Original [0 l'\lIl• 15-15 Srauza IV. ‘ Your right hand, LORD, is strong and glorious, Your right hand, LORD, has crushed Your foes, And with grandeur destroyed Your opponents! You shot Your fire ;—it consumed them as chaff! Andthe sea was nlled by the breath of Your mouth! And they lay like heaps for the plunderers; They curdled the waves in the heart of the sea! STANZA V. ‘I will pursue,’ said the foeman, ‘O’ertake, and plunder and sate my lust; Draw my sword and my hand shall destroy them! ’—- You blew with Your wind, and the sea overwhelmed; And their Princes sank like lead in the seas! S1·ANzA VI. ‘Who is like to the LORD among Gods? Who like Him in His Holy splendour, In brightness, and honour, and powerful acts? You extended Your hand and the earth was shaken, You led in Your love this people free; And will bring in Your·might to Your Holy Home, S·rANzA VII. ‘ The Nations hearing it trembled; Terror seized on Philistia's men; The Chiefs of Edom were also in terror; The Princes of Moab shook in their fear; I0 II I2

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0067

The History of the People of Israel