The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 667

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. PsA1.Ms 7, 8. Book I. IO

II I2 16

18 S1*ANzA 2; ]EHOvAH, risc up in Your wrath; In Your fury lay hold of my foes. Awake! Demand justice for me, And assemble the People around, Then return to the regions on high. LORD! justify me to the tribes ; LORD, establish my honour and truth; Repay to the wicked their wrong, Defending the honest true hearts, And the perfectly honest to GOD. S·rANzA 3. My only defence is with GOD ;·-e My safety my truenessof heart ; For GOD isa judge who is just; Yet GOD is provoked every day! If they change net, He sharpens His sword, Will draw out His bow and take aim, Make ready His weapons of death, And His fiery arrows will fall. SrANzA 4. Look at them all pregnant by Sin, And Falsehood produced as the birth. They dug deep and sunk a wide ditch, And fell into the ditch they had made ; His own crime returns on his head, And his villainy lights on his crown ; So I sing to the LORD who is just, Praise the name Evmz·r.1v1NG Mosr Hxcu. PSALM 8. 1 To the Conductor of the Guitars. [A Qllsnlnn uf Qnhih. STANZA I. JEHOVAH, our Loan, how glorious, Your hand,

O'er all Earth you made, and o’er Heaven Your fame ; From the mouths of the sucklings and babes proceeds strength To turn back the rebels and conquer Your foes.; Srauza. z. When I look atthe sky,_that Your fingers have made, ` With the Moon and the Stars.You have formed, ?—· What is Man, thatélouyrthink about him What is Adam’s Son, that You regard? You depressed him below ali Your Saints, Then crowned him with Honour and might, You placed o’er the worksof Your hand, And You put all things under his feet; All Flocks, Herds, and Beasts ofthe Field, Birds of Heaven and Fish of the Stream, And all whose paths are in the seas. Cnoiws. Evan-mvmo, our Loan, How glorious Your nameis on Earth! 668

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