The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 668

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. Boox I. Psnxs g, 9A, gn. PSALM 9. T0 the Conductor of the Women Singers. 3 fsulm uf Qakih. STANZA 1. I praise You, LoRD, with all my heart, Declare Your wondrous works, And with delight rejoice to You, And sing Your Name, Mos? HIGH. Before Your face my foes fell back, They fell and were destroyed. S·rA1~1zA 2. You showed my cause was just, Fixed in true light my Throne, Destroyed the wicked tribes, Erased their name from time. You crushed my foemen down. Threw down their Town and spoiled their fame. The Loan for ever stays; His Throne is Exed on Right, By Right He rules the world; By justice governs man. The Loma protects the weak, The poor who are oppressed. Who trust You know Your power, LORD, You leave not those who seek. PSALM 9A. Qu iuhitatinxx tu praise ®¤1t.——,3¤ 31111;::2:. Let Zion sing Psalms to the LoRD, Proclaim to the Nations His fame; Who remembers to seek for their blood, Nor abandons their cry, when oppressed. PSALM gs. STANZA r. Look, jm-xovlm, and pity my woes, Snatch me from myfoes,. and the portals of Death, Your kindness I then can proclaim, In the Gatesof Bath-Zion reporting Your aid. The bad sink inthe pits they construct, Catch their feet in the nets they have spread, Let them learn that JEHOVAH does right In the work of their hand, let the wickedhe caught. Sunza ze. Make the wicked turn back to the pit With all Nations forgetful of GOD; For He never forgets the distressed, Nor baiiies the hope of the poor. Arise, Loma, and let not men oppress; judge the Nations before Your own face, Fix, ]EHOvAH, ‘Your`terror on them, Let the Heathen know they are but men. 669 IO II I2

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