The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 671

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

Book I. PsAr.Ms 13, 14, 14A, 15, 16, PSALMS PSALM x3` To his Bandmastcr. @3; Qahih. S·rANzA 1. How long, LORD, forget me ? For ever? Till when, hide Your presence from me, While they lay their plots for my life, And torture my heart every day; And my enemies rise to assail P Suwzn. 2. EvEx—1.1vmG! look down on my woes; My GOD, bring Your light to mine eyes. Lest I sleep in the slumber of Death; He is done} My oppressors rejoice when I go; But yet in Your mercy I trust; My heart still relies on Your help; To jmrovlm I sing for His kindness to me. PSALM X4' To his Bandmaster. Qi; Qnliii!. There is no GOD, the fool says in his heart, Foul, corruptly, they roll—never practising good. The LORD from Heaven looked on the children of Adam To see if any wisely would follow their GOD. But the wholewere corrupt, none were practising good, For none would learn that,—all were working for Sin, Ate My people like bread, and called not on the LORD, Whom they should fear in dread, for GOD dwells with the good, They scorn the p0or’s thoughts whom the LORD Himself loves. PSALM 14A. Qin Zhxilyrm. Who gives from Zion to Israel victory? _'When the LORD from captivity brings back His Race, Then Jacob will laugh and Israel be glad l PSALM x 5 @1; @¤»i1ilr. Loan, who in Your Halls shall dwell? Who live on Your Holy Hill ? He walking straight, and doing right, And who speaks truth from his heart, From whose tongue no slander comes, Who does not his neighbour wrong, Who carries no hate in his breast, Whose eye will despise what is base, And. respects those who reverence the LORD; Who swears to his loss, nor complains, Who len_ds not his money to cheat; Who takes not a bribe against right; Who does thus, is unshaken for ever. PSALM 16. Written ln; Qnhih. GOD, guard me,—-—t`or I trust on You I tell the LIFE, You are my Prince; I have no pleasure but in You. 672
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0671

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