The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 672
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
PSALMS. _Boox I.Psums 16, 17.And with the Holy on the earth,My glory and joy is with them.The furious bring griefs on themselves:I will not pour their sheddings of blood,Nor take up their names on my lips.Loan, measure my portion andcup,You cast me my lot from yourself,On sweet spots my boundaries You fixed;My estates are all smiling on me.I give thanks tothe L01u>, who directs,Lo! at night He instructs me in thought:I wish the LORD always with me,And never removed from my side.Then my heart's joy and vigour would laugh.And my body, lie down in content,wFor You leave not my Soul in the Grave,Nor your Darling to look on decay.You will show me the pathway of Life,Your presence will 611 me with joy;At my right hand be pleasure for ever.PSALM 17.Q- Qratgrr nf Quirih.Srauza r.Oh! hear me, righteous Loxv,Bend forward to my cry;Oh, listen to my prayer,From lips that do not lie !Give sentence from Yourself,Your eyes perceived my rights :By nightly visits tried,And found. no crime in me,Or passing from my mouth.And as for human acts,I listened to Your words.I shunned the broken paths,I kept close to Your ways,My footsteps never swerved.S1·ANzA 2.I call, for GOD replies:Attend and hear my words,Show forth how kindiYou are,Save those who trust Your handFrom dominating foes,Guard like my trembling eye ;Hide by Your shadowing wings,Against the bad who waste,My life’s_ foes who surround;Who wrap themselves in power,Whose mouth speaks haughty threats,Who are a wall round me,Who strive to strike to earth;Like Lions fierce to tear,Like Tigers in their Den!_ Suuza 3.Arise, O LQRD, bend down their knees,Your sword defends my life ;Rn 0IIIOIII2