The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 673

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. · Boox I. Psnms 17, 18. Ycur hand from murderers, Loxb, From men who herd with beasts, Who fall their greed and feed their sins, And leave their children wealth! ENv0Y.

By right I watch Your face. And wake content with You. PSALM 18. x To his Baudmaster. QI; gnhih, the Szrhuui nf tbz ®im·-liking, Who addressed the words of this song te the EvER·LxvxNG, at the time when the EvER·L1v1N<; had rescued him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul, so he said: rx 16 Srimza 1. I love You, Loma, my Strength The Lotto, my Rock, and Fort, My Gon, my safe Retreat; I trust in Him, my Shield, My Saviour, Horn, and Tower! When weak I cried to Gon, Who saved me from my foes, When ropes of Death had caught, And raging floods o’erwhelmed I The Grave a noose had twined, And Death’s trap was before. Srmza 2. In grief I called the Loan, And shouted to my Gov, Who from His palace heard my voice, My shout came to His ears! The earth then quaked and shook, The mountainfs roots were rent, They trembled and they rocked, Because He was enraged. Sranza 3. Thick smoke rose at His wrath. Devouring tire advanced, And from it blazing coals. He bowed the Heavens and came, With gloom beneath His feet; On whirlwinds rode, and dew, Borne on the wings of wind. He made the darkness hide, Surround Him as His tent, The skies were cloudy seas, Whose clouds poured lightnings out, With hail and blazing iirel Sramza 4. The Loan from Heaven thundered, The Highest gave His voice, Hailstones and flashing fire! His arrows sent and shot, And many lightnings drove, And fearful mighty streams ; The world’s supports were bared I At your rebuke, Ol LORD, At your fierce breathing wrath! ***74

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