The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 680
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
Psarms 2 5, 26.PSALMS.
Boox I.
So shake me from my sins;My crimes remember not,In mercy charge not them,For You my LORD are good.You, LORD, are good and just,Lead sinners to Your paths.To justice lead the poor,And teach the lost his road;ioA All my LoRD’s paths are smooth and safe,To those who guard His Law and Proofs.O, LORD, for Your name’s sake,
Forgive my grievous sin!The men who fear the LORD,
With care should choose their path ;···•And then their life will rest in ease.Their children hold the land.The LORD directs His friends,And teaches them His Law.I, therefore, watch the LORD,Who freed my feet fromnets,Who turned to me and pitied,I6When I was lost and weak.He eased my griefs of heart,And brought me from my woes:Saw I was weak and lost,
And freed me from my wrongs.I saw my many foes,My cruel haters, hate.Yet You relieved my life;My trust on you held up.You kept me firm and straight,
For I had trust in You.Tm: Envov.My God set Israel free
From all of his distress.PSALM 26.@3; @airiB.Srauza r.judge me, LORD, for straight forward I walk;I move not from my trust in the LORD;EvER—L1v1NG! test me, and be kind,And refine both in thoughts and in heart,For Your mercy is guiding my sight,And Your Truth is the guide of my march.SrANzA 2.With the foolish I do not consort,And with. vicious youths I do not go.I hate the discourse of the bad,_ And with protligates never will sit.In innocence I wash my hands,No·re.·»—Psalm 25, v. 22. I believe this 22nd verse tobe the prayerof an old transcrlber, 'not part of Davids Psalm.-—F. F.68 1