Boon: I.
PsALMs 26, 27, 28.
\Vhen, LORD, to Your Altar I go
To hear to the voice of Your Law,
And to read of Your wonderful acts-
Loxm I love the Court of Your House,
And the Place of Your glorious Home.
Among sinners record not my soul,
Nor my life with the bloodthirsty men,
Who with their hands fondle a crime,
And with bribery fill their right hand,
For I in my honesty walk;
So redeem and show kindness to me.
My feet are fixed firm in the Right ;-·
I give openly thanks to the Lord.
Qu Quinn.
The Loan, is my light and my Victor, for whom should I fear?
Who dread, when You, Loan, are the strength of my life?
When the wicked assailed me, to eat up my flesh,
My opponents and foemen all stumbled and fell.
If an army assail me my heart will not fear;
If they rise up to war I shall go out content.
I asked from the Loxw one request,
To rest in His House all my days;
To gaze on my LORD’S beauty in life,
And inside His Palace reflect.
In hard times, He concealed in His Tent;
He hid-in the shade of His HALL,
And lifted me into His fort;
Raised my head o’er encircling foes,
So I offer my gift in His Hall,
And chant songs and Psalms to the Lord.
Listen, Loan to my voice when I cry,
And have pity and answer to me;
Seek My face,’
I therefore will seek Your face, Loan;
So hide not Your presence from me,
Nor depart from Your servant in wrath.
You helped,-·—so abandon me not,
Nor forsake me, my Gon, who can save.
Though my Father and Mother forsake,
Yet the Loan will receive me again.
Evaa·L1vmo, O! teach me Your way,
Show me a straight path from my foes.
Give me not to my enemies’ wish,
For false—witnesses rise against me,
And breathe out their liesl
But for this I had trusted to see,
The LORD’s bounty while living on earth.
Yet trust on the Loan, and be bold;
_ Encourage your heart, and still trust in the Lou!).
Q3; §ahii¤.
To You, LOR.D, I cry;-—to my Rock,
To me be not deaf.·—-OI to me be not deaf,