@32 iixburtaiimt. You righteous rejoice in the LORD, You upright be happy and sing. Sraxza 1. Give praise to the LORD with the Harp, Sing Him Psalms on the sweet mandoline. Come on! sing to Him a new song, And rejoice in Him with ringing cheers! For the word of the LORD is sincere, And all His works rest upon truth ; He loves both the just and the right, And His mercies replenish the earth. The Lord made the skies by His word, And their Host by the breath of His mouth; He collects the wild waves of the Sea, From His treasures He gives out their foam. Srlmza z. Let all the earth reverence the Loan; All fear Him who dwell in the spheres; For HE spoke and they came into life, He commanded, and then they appeared! The LORD breaks the plans of the pagans, And frustrates mere human designs; But the plans of the LoRD last for ever, The designs of His heart for all times. Blest the nation whose GOD is the Loxb, And the people He takes for His own. Srzmza 3. F rom the heavens the LORD looking down, Examined the children of man; And from the abode of His Rest, GOD watched all the dwellers on earth: He, who formed every heart of the whole, Reflected on all they had done! By his army, a King did not win, Nor a Hero prevail by his strength; The horse often failed to preserve, Or to fly by exerting his power; But the Loma looks on those who fear Him, And those who rely on His love, From death to deliver their life, And restore them in periods of want. Caonus or rim Couoaaoxrron. Our souls therefore cling to the Loma For HE is our strength and our shield, And by Him our hearts are made glad, And we can in HiS·HOLY NAME trust. Let Your mercy LORD rest upon ns, For our hope has been iixed upon You. 686