The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 686

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PsAx.M 34. PSALMS. Bgog [_ PSALM 34. Qg Qnbib, in his Qisirzss fur maui af funb, {uhm be iuent in §bim2lzcl1 1 tuba Qismisseh him aah he Gscapcb. S1·ANz.a 1. The Loran I wil} bless at ai! times, His praise shall remain in my mouth; My soul shall cxult in the LGRD, The wretched will hear and rejoice; Exalting the Lorm with myself, And in union proclaiming His N AME. SuNzA 2. I called to the Loan who replied, And rescued me out of my fears. They will look out for Him and have light, The LORD heard this wretch, they will say, And relieved him from all his distress} Srnzzs 3. The Lo1m’s Angels camp all around,

Those who fear Him, and serve Him like men. How good the LORD is, taste and try; Men are happy who trust upon Him. Let all His Saints look to the LORD, For none who fear Him are in need. The Tigers may pine and be starved, But who seek for the Lonn will find feed. S1·1mzA 4. ‘ Come my children, and listen to me, While I teach you to reverence the LGRD. What man takes delight in his life? Who is longing to see happy days _?` From wickedness hold back your tongue, And. your lips from the word that betrays. Turn from insult and do what is kind; Seek peace and pursue it alone. For the LORD is observing the good, And His ears have recourse to their cry. The LORD rejects doers of wrong, And erases their memory from earth. But the LQRD will hear those who implore, And delivers from all their distress The LORD comes to the broken in heart, And saves those whose mind is depressed. The good may have frequently woes, But the Loma will release from them all. I0 X2 16 18 20 He guards every one of his bones, And provides that not one of them break. But the wicked are killed by their sin, ,,,2 And the haters of good will despair. Envoy. The LORDTGSCUQS the life of His servants, And those who trust Him will not fail.' 687

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0686

The History of the People of Israel