Boox I.
Psnus 35, 36, 37.
L0m> judge by your standard of right,
And 0'er me let them not triumph long.
in their hearts,
to their minds.
Shame, and degrade those who laugh at my wrongs,
Ciothe in shame and contempt for their boast;
Let my true friends, rejoice and be glad,
How perpetually great is the LOR¤,
Who enraptures His servant with peace! ’
Then my tongue can declare You are good.
And will publish Your praises all day.
To the Conductor of the servants of the Lonn.
§g Qnhib.
Srmza x.
Rebellion to Wickedness aid,
‘Oh, come to my heart! '
There was no reverence of GOD in his sight,
When he smiled with his eyes ou his lies,
But he will End out his vile sin!
His mouth utters lies and revolt,
He meditates fraud on his bed;
I-le is firm in his path of no use,
He never rejects what is bad!
Srzmza z.
Your mercy Loan reaches the hills,
Your truthfulness goes to the clouds;
Your goodness like mountains divine.
Your justice is like flowing streams!
The Lonb helps both the cattle and men ;—-·
How precious your bounty, O GOD!
Adam’s sons trust your canopy’s shade,
They are fed by the fat of your House,
And they drink of your health—giving streams.
For with you is the Fountain of Life,
And Your brightness gives to us light.
Your kindness extends to Your friends,
And Your goodness to those of right heart.
Let not a proud footstep be mine,
Nor let mine be the hands to oppress.
When evil they do letthem fai ,
And never be able to rise.
BQ Qnttiit.
SrANzA 1.
Let not the wicked attract:
Nor envy their practice of sin;
For like grass they are quickly cut down,
And they wither, as do the green leaves.
But trust in the LORD and do good,
Rest safe in the land and be fed,
And make your delight in the LORD,
Who will grant the desire of your heart.