The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 689
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
PSALMS.PsA1.M 37.Boox I.101 II 218202 I22242630Wind on your path up to the LORD;And trust Him because He can save,And will bring out your right like the dawn,Your acquittal like noon of the day!Resign all, and rely on the LORD,Fret not at the prospering path,Of the man who will practice deceit.Cease anger, and leave off from wrath,Nor be fretful, except against wrong;For the wicked will all be cut off,And who trust in the LORD hold the Land.Wait awhile, and the bad will be not!While you look at him, his home is gone!But the kind will inherit the land,And enjoy its perfection of peace;Tho' the wicked may rage at the good,And gnash with their teeth against them.The Almighty still laughs them to scorn,For He sees that their day will come on:Suuza z.The wicked draw sword, and bend -bow,To strike down the feeble and poor,And murder the good on the path;But their sword will come to their own hearts,And their bows will destroy their own selves;And what little the righteous possess,Is more than the wealth of the bad.For the arms of the bad will be smashed,But the LORD will the righteous support.Of the honest the LORD knows the days,Their possessions for ever will be,Nor fail in the time of distress,But in periods of famine be fed,While the wicked will wither away,And who hate the LORD, like a parched fieldWill vanish in smoke and dissolve!The bad borrows, and does not repay,The righteous is generous and gives.Whom He blesses inherit the earth,And those whom He curses decay.The man who steps on with the LORD,Is safe, and his pathway is smooth;If he stumbles he is not cast down,For the LORD will hold him by His hand.I have been young,-—and now I am old,And have not seen the righteous forsaken,Nor his children go begging their bread ;All day he was kindly, and lent,And so his descendants are blest.Tum away from the wrong and do right,And eternal your dwelling will be;For the just are beloved by the LORD,And He never abandons His Saints;For eternity they are preserved,But the Race of the bad is destroyed;For the good will inherit the earth,And upon it for ever will dwell.For the mouth ofthe good utters sense,And his tongue speaks for justice alone.With the Laws of his GOD in his heart,llc never will cease to advance.