The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 691

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. Boox I. PsA1.Ms 38, 39. Would exult when my footsteps had slipped. 18 For now I am ready to halt, And my anguish is always at hand. I therefore confess to my faults, And deeply I grieve for my sins. zo But my enemies live and are strong, And my treacherous haters increase; 21 And they who pay goodness with hurt, Accuse me, though I did them good! Envoy. 22 LOR1> never forsake me; My GOD leave me not. Haste to help me, my Saviour and Prince. PSALM 39. 1 To ]eduthun the Bandmaster. I0 II Ql {psalm by @nl¤iir. SrANzA 1. I said I will guard my path, From sinning with my tongue; With a bridle guard my mouth, From ever-approaching crime! I was silent and dumb, I was silent from good, But I troubled and grieved. My heart was hot in my breast, A fire burnt in my mind, Until I uttered my thoughts; Instruct me, Loxm, of my end, And what the extent of my days, What I am and how weak, let me know. STANZA 2. You have given me a measure of days I am weak, and as nothing to You; How weak are all men at the best! How shadow like man passes by! How vainly he stores up his wealth. And who will collect it knows not l And what now, my LORD, is my hope? My only hope rests upon You. STANZA 3. Redeem me from all my revolts, Let me not be the scorn of the vile. I was silent, nor opened my mouth, Because You had done it Yourself. Remove Your affliction from me; I am crushed by the blow of Your hand,—· For when You correct man for sin, You crush all his joys like a moth; How feeble! alas! are all men I STANZA 4. Listen, O Loren to my prayer, And attend to my cries, Be not deaf to my tears; For I am but a stranger with Yon, A lodger, like my fathers were. Then make for me comfort awhile, Before I depart, and am not. ('K)2
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0691

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