The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 690
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
Psnms 37, 38.PSALMS.Boon I.SrANzA 3.The wicked lay wait for the good,And seek to procure his death.But the LORD will not leave to their hand,33Nor let him be wronged by their judge.Keep the path of the Loan and have hope,He will help you to conquer the laud_And to cut 0K the wicked you fear.I have seen how the wicked succeed,35And spread like a green growing tree;Then I passed and I saw he was not,And I sought him, but nowhere could {ind.Watch the True, and regard the Upright,37For the end of those men is in peace.But Transgressors will perish together,The future of sinners is wreck.The righteous are served by the LORD,Their fortress in time of distress,JEHOVAH assists and protects,And saves from the hand of the bad,All who trust upon Him.PSALM 38.3 Rzmurinl Qsnlm nf @aitih.Srauza z.1.01213 punish me not in Your haste,Nor in Your hot anger correct;For Your arrows have pierced into me,And upon me the blow of Your hand,In my Hesh now no soundness remains,Because of Your wrath;In my bones there is nothing of ease,Because of my sinFor my passions went over my head,Like a burden too heavy to bear.They debase and they rot me away,And because of my crimes,I am bent and crushed down.All the day I am walking in gloom,For my vitals are fuil of disease,And there is no health in my frame.I am feeble and very depressed,And groan from my anguish of heart.All my wail is before You, my LORD,And my sighs are not hidden from You.My heart throbs, my vigour is gone,And I have not the sight of mine eyes.My loved ones and friends shrink away,They rise and avoid my approach;But those hunt, who desire my life,And are seeking for injuries to me,And meditate treason all day.Srauza 2.But L like the deaf, hear irno ;And there is in my mouth no reproof.I am, like to a man who hears not,And without a reproach in his mouth.Yet my hope, LORD, relies upon You,You, my LORD and my GOD, are my help;For I thought they would- triumph on me;39IOI!12x6