The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 697

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

psggus- 45. 46. 47-· 18 I! I2 Boo: II. PSALMS.

Taz Cumms 1*0 run Bnmm. ‘You1· Sons, instead of father, Will sit provincial Lords, Forget your name for ever, And the Tribes will always love. PSALM .46. To the Conductor of the Choir of Girl Singers. 3 . Snug. Suuu 1. Gon is s refuge for us, A strong help, when great troubles como; So when the earth quakes we fear not, Tho' hills splash tothe heart of the Seas, Whose waters will murmur androar, And break on the .CliH's in their rush. Suuza 2. Bright streams deck the City of Gon, Whose Holy Abode is on High, _ She shrinks not with Gob in her midst: Gon comforts at break of the day. Snuznt 3. Trembling.Peop1es and Kingdoms may shake, Earth dissolve when He utters His voice: With us is the LORD of the Hosts, ]acob?s Gon is a fortress for us! Srlmza 4. Come gaze on the works of the Loan _ What power they show to the earth.! He gives peace to the bounds of the land, Breaks the bow, and the arrow, and spear, And the Chariots burns in the hre! Tm: LORD’S Oxmm. Go and 1earn,_that I only am Gov,

I rule in the Heathen, I rule in the Land! Cuonos. With us is UIGLLORD of the Hosts l ]aeob’s Gobisia Fortress to us! PSALM 47. To the Conductor of the Choir. _ A {nlm. Srauzs r. Let all the Tribes élap with their hands, Cheer to`G01>· with a clear ringing voice; Thus honour the Loan in the Heights, The .Great.King‘over all on the Earth! Who threw down the People beneath us, And putnations under our feet. He chose for us our possessions, The Glory of jacob He loved! 698

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0697

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