The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 698

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. Boon II. Psnms 47, 48. S·rAnzA 2. Rouse GOD with a shout! The LORD with the voice of a trumpet! Chant all to our Gon, O chant, Chant, yes, chapt to our King. For Gon is the King of all earth, So now with intelligence sing l S·rAnzA 3, Gon is the King ove: Nations,

As Hx sits on His most Holy Throne, S0 Princes of Peoples collect, With the People of Abraham’s GOD, For the Princes who guard all the Land, Are offering much! PSALM 48. 3 Quitting »§¤ng for the Wbnristzrs. Suxza x. mvocuxon. Exalt our Loma, and highly praise, In City of GOD‘S Holy Hill! The lovely height,—-·our country’s joy, With Zion’s City on the North, The City of the Mighty King! S‘rANzA 2. Response, Gon is known in her Mansions high ;-- When Kings learnt that, they passed; They looked, they feared, and shook in dread, Their loins shook with child·birth pains, As Tarshish ships wrecked by East-winds. Srwza 3. Cuoxus or Txxsvunv Kmcs. ‘ As we had heard,·—·so now we see, The City of the Loma or Hosts. The City of the GOD of gods, Was founded for all time! Suuza 4. ‘ We have thought of Your kindness, O GOD, In the midst of Your Glorious Home GOD, Your fame is as wide as Your praise, Your hand. fills the earth with all good; So let the Mount Zion rejoioe, The daughters of Judah be glad, Because of Yourperfect Decreesl Snnza 5. Tun Cnom. Come forward and go about Zion, And number her Towers! Lay your heart to her ramparts, Consider her Halls, And regard them for ages to come! For her Gov, is our GOD for ever, And He is our guardian till death! 699 I0

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Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0698

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