days upon the earth; and the waters swelled and lifted up the Ark, and raised it from off the land. And the waters overwhelmed and rose greatly upon the earth and the Ark floated upon the surface of the waters. The waters overwhelmed the land, and covered all the hills and mountains which are below the skies. The waters covered the hills fifteen cubits. And all animals that moved upon the land expired, with bird, and cattle, and wild animals, and every insect swarming upon the land, and every man; all which breathed the breath of animals in its nostrils, with all that was in the desert, died. Thus He swept away the whole that He had made upon the surface of the ground; from man to cattle, and reptile, and birds of the skies; thus He swept them from off the earth; but Noah and those who were with him in the Ark remained. And the waters overwhelmed the earth one hundred and fifty days. Ely: @21ugr §ul¤siDzs. But Gon remembered Noah, and
all the animals, and all the cattle which were with him in the Ark. Therefore GOD passed a wind over the earth, and the waters dried, and He restrained the outpourings from the Deep, and the belts of the skies, and stopped the torrents from the skies, and stayed the waters from going on to the earth; and so the waters retired and diminished from the period of one hundred and fifty days. The Ark then rested on the seventeenth day of the seventh month upon the Peaks of the High lriills;¥ 5 and the waters were retreating and subsiding until the tenth month. lu the eleventh month the tops of the hills appeared. Then at the end of forty 6 days, Noah opened the window which he had made in the Ark; and sent out 7 a raven and it went. wandered and turned about until the waters dried away from off the earth. Afterwards, 8 he sent out a dove from him, to see if the waters had lessened from the surface of the field; but the dove g found not a resting——place for the sole of her foot, so she returned to him in the Ark, for the waters were still on the whole surface of the earth; so he t out his hand and took herand
gu, rought her to him into the Ark. He then waited seven days longer, and again sent out the dove from the Ark. And the dove returning at dusk, carried in her mouth an olive·leaf which had been broken off. So Noah then knew that the waters were off the earth. Waiting yet another seven days, he sent the dove out again, and it did not again return to him. At the end of his six hundred and first year, on the first day of the month, the waters dried from off the earth. I0 II I2 Noah then loosened the hatches of the Ark, and looking out, perceived that the surface of the ground was dry. `And in the second month, on the twentyseventh day of the month, the earth was dry. GOD then spoke to Noah saying:
‘Go from the Ark, yourself, your wife, and your sons, and your sons’ wives along with you. All the animals which are with you, of every kind, with bird, and cattle, and with every reptile that creeps upon the earth, bring it along with you, and let them breed plentifully on the land, and cover it, and increase over the earth! So Noah went out, and his wife,
and his sons’ wives with him; every animal, every bird, and every reptile creeping upon the land, according to their species, went out from the Ark. Noah then built an Altar to the 16 18 zo
I I translate the compound Hebrew
as by leaving it in the Hebrew as the Current versions do, it mis· leads the reader to fancy Ararat in Armenia is meant, but the real resting place ofthe Ark, as the Sacred Record clearly proves, was he Peaks of the Hmalaah M upon tgyountains in the Hindoo Koosh int e region of Kashgar, `` or Northern Aiighanistan.>—-F. F.