Genesis - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 8

The Five Books of Moses

8-2x _ GENESIS. gr-*28 Evan-x.1vmG,— and too1¤.·from every clcam1bcast;a¤d from evmiy nleau bird, and oifercd burnt offcxings ~uP0¤ the

21 Altar; and the EYBR·L1v1~NG perceived pleasant sweet perfume ; a¤d`the·LORD N ever again will I curse the ground to the labour of man; althoughhthe thought of the heart of man is wickedness from this youth; andneyer again will I- cut oE every

zz animal I have made. During the wholeexisteuce of the earth, sowing and harvest, and cold and heat, and Winter and _ Summer, Spring and Autumn. and day and night, shall @ab'¤. ¥Izs¤iug mth Qmxtmanh in Kaukiizh xpm Qual; leaking ily: 32k. 3 Rzxxzinsl nf the Qtimzhal Qlenixynt Gon also blessed Noah and his

$995. and said, if Be prolific and and till the ,earth,_ And the fear and terror of you shall be upon every animal of the-1a¤d,,a¤d,eve:y bird of the sky, with all that swarm. he rodand all te fish of

e waters; they shall be given into your hand, Every living animal that hall be food for ou. I h moves s{ave given the whole to you li es the green herbage. But the flesh with its. life, its blood, you shall not eat,. And also the blood of your life I will require, from the hand of every animal I will require it; and from the f hand of man; even fromthe hand of his , brother,‘I will require the life of man. Whoever sheds the rblood of man, by man ·his~own blood shallbe shed'; because I made man under the

7 sliadowof _GOD. And be fprolifie yourselves, increase and swarm on XO II I2 Gon also spoke to`Noah, and to his

Now I Myself will Hx _a»Covenant with you, and your descendants after you; and with every living animal that is with you; with bird, and cattle, and with everyianimal of` the earth with you; of all coming out of the Ark; and withevery wild beast of the earth.-. I have fixed »My Covenant with you, that all flesh; shall never again be destroyed by ra downrush of water; and there shall never againbe a down- Gon also said, ‘?T1`his is the attestation of the Covenant which `I have made between Myself 1 and you, and between all animal life which is with you for every generation. I place My rainbow in the clouds, and it shall be foran evidence of the Covenant between Myself and all the earth. I-When there isi My cloud, covering the earth; and the rainbow. appears in the cloud, I shall remember MyCovenant that is _between Myself and you., andbetween all animal life, and· there shall- never again be adownrushof waterlto sweep away all living. The rainbow shall be in-the cloud, and . appear as an eternal record of the - Covenant between, G01>··and all animal life And Gon This is the Covenant which I have settled between _ Myself and all existence which is upon earth. 16 Qirlnrg nf £¤nly after the Siena. Now the sons of Noah who came

out of the Ark were Sherri, Ham, and ]`apheth‘; and Ham was‘the”father of Canaan. These three were the sons of Noah, and from these three the whole earth was peopled. Noah then became a farmer, and

planted a vineyard, and dri-nking of the wine, he became, drunk, and was naked in _-his tent; and Ham the father of Canaan, saw the hakedncss of (his father, and xvep0rt¢d‘ it to his two brothers; outsidoh Sham _ and japhcth, however, took a shawl, and spread tit on their shoulders, and going backwards, they covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were turned away, so that they did not see their fathefs shame. ‘ So, when Noah woke up from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done to him., he said: ‘Cursed be Canaan. A servant ofservzmts let him be to his brothers} He also exclaimed: ‘The_ Liviag Gor) b1ess,..Shem, Amd let Canaan be a, servautto nm. GOD will ·extexidl]apheth$ But He will dwell iu th¤ tolli of Sham. ,, And Canaan shall be his ser- __ I _ Noah l lived after the deluge, ‘ for

three hundred and fifty years., So :8 20 21 22 26 z8

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0008

The History of the People of Israel