The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 700

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. · Boon: II. Psnm 50. PSALM 50. l Qsslm uf lap!). Suuza. 1. The Gon of gods, the Loan, has spoken, Called Earthfrom Sunrise to its set, G01>’s perfect beauty shines from Zion; Our Gov comes ou and is not still. Fire devours before Him, And round Him mighty storms. He calls to Heaven above, And Earth to help His Race; ’ Collect to me my Saints, By 0Eering treat with Me. The Heavens declare the right, Which G01> Himself decrees. Srnuza 2. ‘ I speak,-5My Beople hear,——· Whilst I, you, Israel teach, Your Gov of gods am I l·— I claim not sacrince, Your gifts before me stand. Nor take bulls from your house, Nor goats from out your fold. All Forest-beasts are mine, Herds on a thousand hills.- I know all mountain birds,—--· The pasture's wealth is mine. I need not tell if hungry,-·—· Mine are the whole World's fruits! Eat I the Hesh of bulls ? Or drink, the blood of goats? Then offer Gon your thanks, Pay the Mosr Hxcn your vows, Call Me in Sorrow’s day, I will relieve ;—·you thanl:.’ Sunza 3. But GOD asks of the bad ° Why study you my Laws? Take My Treaty in your mouth, Whilst you correction hate, And fling Commands away? I0 II I2 X6 18 You see a 'I`hief,·—-and share with him ;-· And with the aclulterers join! You let your mouth to rogues, And mislead by your tongue! You libel all your brothers, Your mother’s son revile! 2[ Did these, and I was still, You thought Me like yourself! 22 Reflect! nor GOD forget, Lest I resistless tear, So offer. thanks to Me, And walk GOD’S saving path. 701
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