The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 701

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. Psnnas 51, gu. Boox II. PSALM 51. ¤ To his Bandmaster. 2 Q Qsnim, hg gahih, ipl;z¤t_@uil1mt ily: Qrzacber mma in him mr IO II I2 16 18 20 21 uzmunt nf his Qhulizrg iuiil; Qailyslyzhu. S•rANzA 1. Pity me GOD in Your mercy,

In great kindness blot out my crime. Like rain-showers wash off my passions, And purify me from my guilt, For I will acknowledge my crime, Aud before me are standing my sins; I certainly sinned against You, And committed this wrong in Your sight; You therefore are right in Your message, And are in Yoursentence correct. Alas! I was born with this passion, And my mother conceived me for sin. Suuzs 2. You delight in the truth that was hid, My conscience You made me display; But cleanse me and scour me with soap, Yes, wash me till whiter than snow. If You hear me I joy and am glad, The bones You have broken will laugh.- Oh, cover Your face kom my sin, And the whole of my passions blot out! Create a clean heart for me, Gon; And put a new mind in my breast. And cast me not out from Your Presence, Nor take Your pure spirit from me. Restore me Your triumphant joy, Support me with freedom of soul, Then I’1l teach the rebellious Your path, And turn back the sinners to You. O pardon me, Gon, for the murders; O give me salvation, my Gon! When my tongue will proclaim You are right, Sranza 3. My Prince You have opened my lips, Your kindness my tongue shall proclaim. You wished not for Offerings or Gifts, And Burnt-oderings gave You no delight, So I give to Gon my broken spirit; A heart that is broke and depressed, Will not be refused by that Gon. PSALM 51A. .3 Q rage: for Zim:.

O! look with Your favour on Zion, And build up ]ernsalem’s walls. Then You will be pleased with right OHerings, On Your Altar whole bulls they will lay!

1 N0·rr·:.—-—'l`hese last four lines ofthe usually of David’s sublime Ode of repentance, there called 51st Psalm are most certainly nota part fore I separate them- as above.—F. F.

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