With your tongue you will always mislead. But Gon will destroy you for ever, And cast you away- from His Hall; And uproot from the land of your life! S·rANzA 3. The righteous willsee it and fear, And raise up a laugh against him. ‘ See that man put no trust upon Gon, But relied on his wealth and his might l Suuza 4. But I grow in Gods House like an olive, Always trust in Your mercy, O GOD, I will praise You for ever, for what You have done, Andi will call on Your Name,
For sweet mercy is present with You. PSALM 53. To his Baudmaster. A ¥{¢iz:timt“ upon his Sizlmrss, lug §alxih. Snuza 1. says the fool in his heart, Corrupted and rotten in vice, never practising good. IO Il On the Children of Adam, GOD looked down from the Heavens 3 To see if they had enough sense to enquire fortGOD? All straggled, corrupted together, None doing fairly, no, not even one! Sraxza z. Do they not know they do wrong When devouring My Race as they eat up their bread ? And they call not on Goo! So they tremble where no fear exists, For GOD shakes the bones of the vile; Brings to grief for despising their Gon, Who gives Israel victory from Zion. (Euvov, sv A Raenxuican Enrron.)
(When GOD turns His People’s captivity, jacob will laugh and Israel smile.) 703