Psnms -66, 66A, 67.
Boon: I I.
GOD, how grand are Your works,
With what power You crush all Your foes!
And all the Earth bows to You down,
And sings, chanting psalms to Your Name!
S·r.mzA 2.
Come, look on the products of Gov,
Displayed from on High to mankind,
When Ho turned the Sea into dry land,
That on foot they crossed over the stream,
And then we all gave thanks to Him.
For ever He rules from on high,
His eyes on the Heathen are fixed;
And no rebel succeeds against Him!
S·rANzA 3.
Let the People give thanks to our Gon,
Let the sound of His praises be heard,
Who hxed our soul in our lives}
And lets not our footsteps be moved!
3 Qmzni nf ily: $uhpl¤uimt Eaptibzs.
Snnza 1.
You made us be led to the net,
You put a great load on our loins,
1 No·rx.—Psalm 66,
ch. 2. v. 7.—F. F.
2 N ern.-Psalm 66A.
You caused men toride o’er our heads,
So we passed through the water, and tire,
But will afterwards bring us to rest,
When with offering l’ll come to Your House,
To You I will pay all my vows,
Which I with my lips have declared,
And my mouth promised when in distros!.
I will offer rich offerings to You,
I will sacrifice rams, with perfumes.
Come, hear me relate what I saw,
And what GOD has done for my soul.
I cried out to Him with my mouth,
And high praise was under my tongue.
If He had seen Sin in my heart,
Th' ALMIGHTY would not have heard me;
However, Gon heard my request,
And has granted the voice of my prayer.
Thank Gon, who has not turned away;
I prayed, and His mercy revived.
Zl $ss1m far tbz Singers.
Sunza 1.
Let GOD favour and bless us,
And shine with His presence on us.
v. g. See Genesis, ort shows this to be an entirely sepatatc g
salm to that of the iirst ten verses, whzch
The sense and pur- are a song of triumph, not of despau·.—F. F.
7 I 2