PsAr.Ms 67, »
68, 68A.
Boon II.
Revealing Your way to the Earth;
Your victories to every race!
Su1~zzA 2.
Let Nations call You their Gob,
You, let all the Nations proclaim!
Let the People rejoice and be glad,
For withjustice You govern the Tribes,
iAnd com ort the Nations of Earth.
S·rAuzA 3.
Let N ations call You their Gob,
You, let all the Nations proclaim;
The Earth then will give out her products,
And Gov, our Gon, will bless us,
Us our Gon will bless,
And all bounds of the Earth revere Him!
Qahib, in his Qunhmastzr.-—$ ¥sn1m for Singing. - x
S:rANzA 1.
Let Gob arise! His foemen Bee,
His haters tum before His face ;
And fly away like driven smoke I
As melts the wax before a hre,
The bad will fail before our GOD;
And then the righteous will be glad,
And will exult before our GOD;
And joy with raptured glee.
S1·A1~:zA 2.
Sing to our GOD! chant to His Name !
Who rides in Darkness borne!
His Name is Lum; be glad to Him,
Our Gov who from His Holy Court,
Protects the poor, and guards the Weak.
PSALM 684.
$2: kxtlyzm mz ibn itzlrare from $l;aravly.
S·rA1~xz.•. x.
GOD! when you brought Your darlings Home.
Relieved the captives from their chains,
With smiles those slaves in freedom slept.
When you, Gob, led your People out,
And marched them thro' the desert land,
Earth shook I the Heavens themselves bowed down!
Yes ! Sinai to our GOD :
Our GOD, the GOD of Israel!
Nora ou PSALM 68.——'I`he whole of these
Psalms, ordinarily named the 68th Psalm,
from v. r to the end at v. 36, are exceed·
ingly obscure and didicult in the Hebrew
have it. It is robab
text, as we now plg partly so from errors in transcription, whic ’
previous translators seem to have considered
irremediable, and so give renderings that are
all destitute of connection, sense,or meaning.
But careful study to nrst ascertain the initial
form of the thought of the sacred poets, and
then a careful following of it, has I believe
enabled me to arrive at the purport of the
diferent anth
ems given a, were evidently written a er the days of David. In
arriving at my renderings, I have been greatly
assiste by the careful scholarship of the
Rev. ]. Bowen, B.D., Rector of St. Lawrence,
Wolfe Castle, Pembrokeshire.-F. F.