Exodus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 72

The Five Books of Moses

EXODUS. 26 19*23 18-44 IO Moses, consequently, listened to

the suggestion of his father·iu·1a.w, and did all that he said. Moses therefore chose strong men from all Israel, and placed them asheads over the peoplepchiefs of thousands and chiefsiof hundreds and chiefs of tens, and they judged the people at all times in their affairs ;—-bringing the di$cult matters to Moses,-——but in the small a§airs they decided for them- selves. Moses afterwards took leave of his

fathe1·—in—law who went to his own country. Israel urribzs ni Sinai. 19 At the third~ month from the coming out of the land of the Mitzeraim, on that dey they came to the desert of Sinai. Then the Rephidim also marched and came to the desert of Sinai, and encamped in the desert. Israel also encamped there near the hill. $¤D uppznfszin fuss!. Then Moses went up to Gon, and

the EvER·L1v1NG. called to him from Say this to the House of jacob, and inform the children of Israel, ‘You have seen what I did to the Mitzeraim, and lifted you on the wings- of eagles, and brought you to Me, so now if you will listen to My voice, and keep My laws,. then you shall be to Me a. peculiar People, more than all the Peoples of the earth. And you shall be to Me a Royal Priesthood, and n Holy Nation.’———These are the words you shall speak to the children of Moses consequently went and

assembled the nobles of the People, and set before them the whole of these promises as the Evan-Livmo commanded. And all the People We will do all the Even-Livmo com- mandsf'. Then Moses reported the declaration of the People to the Evan-Lxvxno. And the EVER—L1l/ING replied to

Now I will come to you. In a cloud of fire I will pass by. The People shall hear Me talk with you, and also I will remain with you Then Moses reported the declaration of the People to the Evaa·r.1v1z~:G. When the EvER·L1v1NG replied to

Go to the People and sanctify them to·day, and to·morrow, and wash their clothes, and on the third day let them assemble; for on the third day the Evan-1.1vmG will descend in the sight of all the People upon Mount Sinai. But you shall keep the people at a distance around, by ordering, ‘ Take care that you do not go up to the Hill, or touch its skirts. All who touch the Hill shall die I Whether a beast or a man, let them not touch it with the hand I or they shall be stoned with stones, or pierced with a. dart; they shall not live who approach to ascend the Consequently Moses descended

from the Hill to the People, and sanctified the people, and they washed their clothing. Andhe said, Restrain yourselves for three days, not to touch a woman. XI X2

M3: Qilrinr Mmrifzstnlimr ¤n§ixmi. When the third day came to- the

day~break, there were voices and lightnings, and a heavy cloud over the Hill, and the sound of a powerful trumpet, so that all the people in the camp trembled. Then Moses brought out from the camp all the people to meet GOD, and stationed them below the Hill. And the Hill of Sinai smoked all over its surface, when the EVER- LIVING descended upon it in fire; and its smoke went up like the smoke of a smelling furnace, and the whole hill trembled greatly; and there was the continuous sound of ia trumpet; but Moses very boldly spoke, zmd GOD answered him by voice. Then the Evmx-Lzvma descended on to the Hill of Sinai, on tothe top ofthe Hill, and the Evan-1.1vmG called l\Ioses to the top of thc: Hill, and Moses ascended. Then the Evm-1.1vmc said to

Descend at once to the Pzople for fear they shoxild break through to see, and numbers fall before Me. Let the Priests also who sacrifice to the Ev12xz·L1v1NG szmctify themselves, lest the LORD afllict But Moses replied to the EvF.R—

The people cannot ascend the Hill of Sinai, for You commended us, saying, ‘ Go a distance from the Hill, and sanctify yourselves. 15 18 20 21 22

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0072

The History of the People of Israel