the father·in·1aw of Moses, heard all that GOD had done for Moses, and for Israel, His People ;—how the Evan-L1v1NG had led Israel out ef Mitzer,—then jethro, the father-in- law of Moses, took Zifora, the wife of Moses, who had sent her back, and her two sons,—(the name of the I have been a stranger in a. strange land, -and the name of the other For the GOD of my fathers has been a comfort and refuge to me )~·-—so jethro, the father-in—1aw of Moses, · brought his two sons and his wife to IO II Moses in the desert, where the Mount I, jethro, your father—in—law, have come to you with your wife and two sons Then Moses went out to meet his
father·in—law, and bowed to him and kissed him, and they mutually enquired after their health. Then they came to the tent. Moses there related to his father—in·1aw all that the Evaivrrviuo had done to Pharoh and to the Mitzeraim on account of Israel;——all the troubles which met them- on the road, and how the EVER-L1v1NG delivered them. And jethro was glad at all the good which the ‘ Evsn—L1v1N<; had done to Israel, and His redomp- tion of them from the hand of the Bless the Evan-Livino Who has delivered you from the hand of the Mitzerairn and from the hand of Pharoh, and Who has delivered this People from under the hand of the Mitzerites. Now you can perceive how much greater the EvER—L1v1NG is, than all their Gods, by the events with which He overwhelmed them} 12 Then jethro, the father-in-law of I Yohvah N isi. Moses, took burnt offerings and sacrifices to GOD, and Aaron and all the nobles of Israel came and dined with the father·in-law of Moses before Gon.1 muses ahminisierixrg Zuaiirz.
The next day, however, Moses sat
to administer justice to the People, and Moses remained from morning to evening. And the father-in·law of Moses saw all that he did for the What is this business that you do for the People? Why do you sit alone, and all the People standing before you from morn till night When Moses replied to his father-
Because all the People come to me to enquire of the EVER- LIVING. Whoever among them has a dispute comes to me and I decide between man and man, and I make known the decision of GOD, and His Qthlvicz uf 32lbm mz it. But the father·in-law of Moses
The practice that you follow is not good. You are not prudent, nor are this people who are with you; for their affairs are more than you are able to bear alone. Therefore listen to my voice. I will advise you, and GOD will be with you. Let now the People appear before GOD, and bring their affairs to GOD, and instruct them in the decisions of His laws, and inform them the way they should walk in, and the acts they should do. Also choose for yourself, from all the People, strong men, who fear GOD and hate bribes, :6 18 19 20 21 and place over them as chiefs of thousands, chiefs of hundreds, chiefs of fifties and chiefs of tens,—and let 22 them judge the People at all times, and let only all the great affairs be brought to you, but let them judge all the little matters, and thus ease your- self,——for they load you. ‘If you do this and GoD confirms it, 23 then you can appoint it, and all these people can arrange theiigaffairs with 1 V. 12. It is evident from this record that
the exile of Moses in Arabia had been a period of spiritual education under jethro, and that the Arabs had preserved the Faith of Abraham in grc;itcr purity than the Egyptised Hebrews _l_ 71