This Mount Zion, where You have dwelt. SrANzA 2. Lift Your feet to the old desolatious; See the wrong your foes did to the Good; For the Outragers shout in the midst of Your Court, And they plant there, their standards for signs! STANZA 3. They seemed as they came tothe stairs Like fellers against a. thick wood; And her beautiful Gateways at once, They beat down with hammer and axe! Your sacreds they cast to the fire, Fluug the Tent of Your NAME to the ground n We’1l drive out at once, We’11 burn all GOD's Courts in the land l ’ S·rANzA 4. No signs are shown to us,—-no preacher is left! And with us none can tell for how long! T ill when, GQD, shall the tyrant insult ? And Your NAME always cursed by the foe? Till when, will You fold up your hands, And Your right in your bosom conceal? S*rANzA 5. Yet GOD was our King from of old, Made us safe on the breast of the earth, You smashed by Your strength at the Sea, The Dragon’s head broke at the Flood, You shattered Leviatharfs Chiefs, And gave them to feed the Wild beasts , And You opened fountains and brooks, And You Mighty Rivers dried up! Sranza 6. From You is the day, and from You is the night, You established both Moon and the Sun; You fixed all the bounds of the earth, And Springtime and Autumn you formed • LORD, remember the enemies’ scorn, The vile rabble who jeer at Your NAME! O Give not Your Dove’s life to such Kites, Nor for ever abandon Your poor! O Attend, and accomplish Your bond, Crime dwells in dark dens of the land; But let not the poor be oppressed, Then the wretched will sing to Your NAM¤. SrANzA 7. Arise, GOD! enforce Your decree,
Think of insults fools give You each day; Forget not the voice of Your foes, The roar they continually raise. Az 721 I0 II I2 I6 18 20 21 22