The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 721

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

Psnms 75, 76. II 13001; III. PSALMS. IG I0 PSALM 75. To his Bandmaster. QA Qsalm against @zspuir.——-,3 Sung by lznply. S·1·ANzA 1. Let us sing, to You, GOD, let us sing, Your Works tell Your power is near; For when I the Public address, I wish to proclaim what is right. The Land shakes, and its people despair, But I would its pillars support. SrANzA 2. Be not foolish} To the wicked,···~exa1t not your horn; Lift not your horn at the Highest, Speak not with a neck lifted up, l For neither fromEast or from West, Nor yet from the hills of the Wold, Who rises,·—·—who falls! For the cup in the hand of the LORD, Is full of a sweet foaming wine, When he pours from it down to the dregs, All the had of the land, drink and suck. But I will for ever rehect, To ]acob’s GOD I will sing Psalms; And cut off the horns of the Bad, Exalting the horns of the Good. PSALM 76. To the Leader of the Girl Singers. gt Qrmlm fer Music, bg Qsuply. SIANZA x. God is known in judah, His NAME to Israel great; In Shalem is His Throne, And His Home is in Zion! Where He broke the darting bow, The shield, the sword, and war! STANZA z. You are bright and glorious, Beyond the heaps of spoil, The stout of heartare plunderedg They slept their sleep; Those warriors lost their hands! STANZA 3. The GOD of jacob ordered, The horse and chariot fled! You are the Glorious, You, And Your wrath who dare face The skies heard Your decree, Earth saw it, and she shook; When GOD arose to judge, To save the weak on Earth, When human fury praised, The bursting fury, crowned I 7 2 z
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0721

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