The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 722
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
PSALMS.Boox- III.PsAu¤s 76, 77.(Tux Envoy.)Come vow and payvthc Loran;Vow to your GOD all around,Bring gifts to honour Him,Who ends the life of princes,Who cows thc Kings of Earth!PSALM 77.To the Conductor of the Chorus Singers.§ yznlm by $¤npl;.Srnxzn 1.I will shout with my voice to my Goo;With my voice to the GOD who heard me,Seek my Loma in my day of distress,Stretch my hand in the night out to Him,N or cease, or my body take rest!Sunzn 2.I remember my Gov, and I mourn,I sigh, and my mind is depressed.I shut up the lids of mine eyes,I tremble and I cannot speak.I think of the times that are past,Of the years to Eternity gone!I repmt songs at night to my heart ;I sigh, and my spirit sinks down.Snnza 3.Has th’ A1.m<;1~1·rY forgotten for ever?Will He always cease to be kind?Has His mercy for ever departed?His speech gone for ages of time?And can GOD forget of His kindness?Or His mercies let perish in wrath ?I2I0Smuza 4.°··— 'I I No! This is my weakness}The years are in the I~iighest’s right hand. 'O LIFE! I will think of Your acts,As I think of Your wonders of old,I will think upon all You have made,And upon Your proceedings reiiectfSIANZA 5.In holiness, GOD, is Your path,What God is as great as our Gob ?_ And You are the Gon who does wonders,Revealing Your Power to men.By Your Arm you rescued Your people,The children of jacob and joseph!Srauza 6.The Sea saw you, GOD, the Sea saw!It trembled l And its billows shook;The Sea. stormed, and the Clouds gave their voice,Your herce arrows shot through the gloom;The sound of Your thunder was rolling,The lightning illumined the spheres.The earth itself shivered and shook ;723I216I8