The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 724
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
I0 -I!I216:820Dy UH¢\»uvn va susvsvw v--··~· ·»-.·...PSALM 78.3 Mzhiiniinu by lng!}.S·rAx~1zA 1.My people attend to My law,Bend your ear to the word of My mouthOn Maxims I open My lips,I utter some thoughts of the past,Which weformerly heard of and learnt,And our fathers recorded for us,Nor hid from their sous and successors,Recording the praise of the Loma,His power and the wonders He did,When in jacob He setup the Witness,And in Israel settled the law,Which He had commanded our fathers,To teach to the people, their sons ;·S0 they taught the next generation,Of the children whom they had begot,To relate to the sons of themselves,Who should settle their trust upon GOD,And not to abandon GOD’s paths,And thus they have kept His commands.For they were not, asvtheir fathers were,A stubborn and xnutinous race,A race that would notiix itsheart,Whose spirit was not true to Gon,Like Ephraim’s sons, armed and with bows,Who turned back in the day of the hght,Nor regarded their bond with their Gon,And in His laws who would not walk.And remembered not His mighty acts,And wonders they had themselves seen!The wonders fortheir fathers done,In Mitzer’s land;-on .Tzoan’s plains!Srzmza 2.How He cleft the Sea,—and passed o'er,Yes! the quivering Sea like a plain iAnd led them by day with a Cloud,And atpnight by the glittering Brea!He split in the Desert- the rocks,And quenched their thirst with rushing streamsFrom crags in the cliffs brought out springs,That as watery rivers flowed on lBut still they continued offence,To grieve the Mosr H1GH in the Waste;Revolting in heart from their GOD,By asking a food to their wish.They sneered attheir GOD, and they said:‘ Can Gon in the Desert spread feasts ?He struck Rock., and Water sprang out,And torrents in rivers rushed on ;But how can He give to us bread?Or make here for His People a feast 7 ‘724