The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 725

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PsAr..u 78.

S · K PSALMS. Boox III. Su1~zzA 3. This the LORD heard, and was wroth, And kindled in jacob a fire, And anger on Israel came. S0 they had no faith in their GOD, Nor placed in His Salvation trust! S0 He made black clouds from above, And Heave¤’s doors wide open sprung !—· Aud rained on them Mana for food, Providing their com from the skies i Men ate of the supemal bread, For He sent to them victuals enough, S·rANzA 4. He- raised the East Winds in the Sky, With power He drove ou the South, And rained flesh upon them like dust, And Hights of wings like the sea sand, Which fell in the midst of the Camp, And were piled all in circles around l Then they ate, and they gorged to excess, For what they had wished for had come; And they did not hold back from their greed. But while the food was in their mouths, GOD’s anger rose against them ! And their mightiest captains He slew, And crippled in Israel youths. Srlmza 5. For all this they sinned more! Believed not in I-Iis powers; So their days failed, exhausted, And their years in distress. If He slew; then they sought Him; 'I`urned· at morn to their Gov, Thought that Gon was their rock, The HIGH GOD, who redeemed, And served with their mouth, Lied to Him with their tongues, While their heart held Him not, Nor was true to His Bond. Srawza 6. Yet He kindly pardoned their sin, Destroyed not,·—·-but oft turned His wrath; Nor reused up all His rage. Thought that they were but flesh, Breath that went, nor came back! Thus they vexed in the Desert, Grieved Him in the Waste; Turned from GOD and deserted, And grieved Israel’s HOLY. They thought not of His hand, When He freed them from grief; Or His wonders in Mitzer And proofs on Tzoan’s field l Srauza 7. 2 I 22 26 28 33 34 35 37 39 43

How He turned all their brooks into blood, 44 And their streams so that they could not drink. And sent locusts on them, to devour,


And defiled them by means of the frogs. 72 5
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0725

The History of the People of Israel