They make round jerusalexn ruins, _ And as f0odt0 the birds of the skies, Your Servauts' dead bodies they give, And the flesh of Your Saints, to the beasts of the earth! They pour blood like water around, And jerusalem none can approach. A contempt webecame to our friends, Toiour neighbours, a laughter and scorn! S·rANzA 2. How long, Lonn, will Your anger last, Your wrath like- hot {ire consume? Pour out on the Heathen Your rage, Who acknowledged not You ; And on Kingdoms that seek not Your NAME! For they eat up jacob, And ruin his Home. Suuzn 3. Oh! think not on our sins that are past, Make haste in Your mercy to guide, Because we are deeply depressed. Strengthen and save us, O GOD Because of Your Gnomous NAME, Release from our faults, and forgive, Because of Your love. S·rANzA 4. For why should the Heathen exclaim, ‘ Where now is their GoD ? ’ Let the Heathen be taught in our sight, You avenge the spilt blood of Your saints. Bring before You the prisoner’s groans, With Your strong arm release them from, death.- And return our besiegers, Seven—fold to their breasts, IO I! I2 For the insults with which they· insult You, O LORD! When Your People, and sheep of Your flock, Will thank You for ever, To ages of ages recording Your praise. PSALM 80. To the Conductor of the Clarionettes. 3:: `§isturicu1 ¥sulm. lm Qlsuply. Sunze. I. Shepherd of Israel hear, Guide joseph like a flock; Shine forth from the Kerubim’s Home! Before Benjamin, Ephraim, Manasseh Arise in Your Might, And come on to save; O GOD, turn upon us the light of Your face, And we shall be saved. 727